Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] from the " in BNC.

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1 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
2 Ferdinand believed Godoy was scheming for a regency to exclude him from the throne ; Godoy knew that Ferdinand was intriguing against him with the French ambassador .
3 In 1911 , aged twenty-nine , the Crown Prince was sent off to Danzig to command a Hussar Regiment ( it was a fairly transparent form of exile to preserve him from the temptations of political and amorous indiscretion in Berlin ) , but he showed himself singularly adept at escaping from the tedium of regimental duties .
4 This chapter is an account of the process and is an attempt to see it from the family 's perspective .
5 The place of violence in English labour history has been reconsidered since the earlier historians , notably the Webbs and Hammonds , followed a Fabian predisposition to exclude it from the mainstream of labour action .
6 While artisans certainly had better opportunities than had most of the lower orders , it is probably unwise to insist that a very wide behavioural gap separated them from the " crowd " , at least until the last years of the eighteenth century .
7 The hotel to stay in is the Victoria , a handsome pile run by the genial Platzer family ; they send a minibus to fetch you from the little airport at Berne — one hour 's drive away — and Herr Platzer then shows you where to hire ski equipment ( roughly £24 a week ) and organise lessons .
8 Leaves danced curlicues on the pavement as the wind ripped them from the plane trees and sent them scurrying along the ground .
9 Perhaps he walks on the right side , with just the metal grid fence separating him from the rolling fields of graves — in no hurry , since there is no class for him to make .
10 But I think it 's time , I think we both agree that the time er well used because it 's for the because your Lordship will have a better understanding of the evidence when the plaintiff and the defendant give it from the witness box .
11 She saw his glance rake her from the top of her shining chestnut hair over her make-up-free face , and down over her pretty cotton wrap to the tips of her toes .
12 ‘ How pleasant , then , for you to relax on this assignment , ’ Roman countered smoothly , a steely note beneath the surface , ‘ knowing that family friendship absolves us from the need for stiff formality . ’
13 He said he needed me to pretend to be his girlfriend to protect him from the bimbos . ’
14 Codemasters ' director David Darling said : ‘ The fact that Sega has chosen to wait to sue until just before our commercial launch shows this is a blatant attempt to keep us from the market they control . ’
15 But even though it did in a campaign where he was one of Tottenham 's top performers , Venables has been unable to keep his word because of chairman Alan Sugar 's attempt to oust him from the club .
16 Instead of ribs , the machine has a canvas roof to shield us from the weather , and although one can peer out through slits here and there , the effect is of travelling in a closed world , like an outsize gypsy wagon .
17 For the last six months the managers brought into the firm by Robert Maxwell have been trying to strike a deal to wrench it from the quagmire of his estate .
18 He chose a place between two snoring servants and laid down to sleep , oblivious to the figure watching him from the shadows .
19 DINAMO Tbilisi , as expected , have lodged their appeal against UEFA 's decision to disqualify them from the European Cup ( writes Lyle Jackson ) .
20 Mr Slovo , who learnt about the plan to kill him from the Johannesburg Star , not from the police , attributed the plot to the right 's desperation .
21 This church , Santa Ephygenia was where the African slaves came to worship , to pray to the saint to protect them from the dreadful accidents they faced in the mines .
22 There is a need to recognise and further consider the position of male carers , while not using this issue to deflect us from the more general issues which arise for women through entrenched assumptions that this is their ‘ natural ’ role .
23 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
24 Screens of holly and ivy sheltered her from the deepening winter , but now the forest became a black and frozen place .
25 In the story of the rich man and Lazarus , the rich man 's wealth insulates him from the poverty and the suffering of Lazarus .
26 In addition to dealers , other objects of anger were farmers who were thought to be withholding grain from the market and thus creating an " artificial " scarcity ; merchants who attempted to buy up corn to move it from the district in which it had been grown at times when local markets were under-supplied ; and millers who were considered to be either bulk buying and hoarding corn or else charging the poor too much for grinding grain .
27 The car plunged into the ocean in the Bahamas and was seen emerging off Corsica — with an ordinary sweeping brush covering up the tell tale tracks in the sand left by the cable pulling it from the sea .
28 The rye hid him from the French rankers , and only those officers on horseback could see the Rifleman over the tall crop .
29 This recommendation was not accepted , however , and the authorities still have to balance the need to provide access to the parks with the need to preserve them from the increased pressure that results .
30 The barmaid led them from the bar and up some rickety steps .
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