Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] have a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your mummy says you had a mood .
2 Martin haycock says they had a terrific start and after that it was rythm rythm all the way
3 Then , a few days after I got back from Oxford , I got a telegram to say I had a scholarship .
4 They realise that Compact enables them to have a say in the shape of education for the 1990s and to help them meet their projected employment needs .
5 The Ministry says it has a duty to buy from overseas if that provides the best value for money for the taxpayer .
6 After one of Ralph 's more painful foolishnesses , she had once persuaded a lover to telephone Grunte pretending he had a message from Downing Street .
7 Apparently the cleaner overheard them having a tremendous row .
8 But instead of meeting each problem separately and assessing it for what it is , the anorexic thinks she has a master-plan , designed to solve them all at one stroke .
9 Before raising Biggles we had a few failures with baby owls the shocking Barnys had abused .
10 Tewkesbury Borough Council says it has a duty to uphold planning regulations .
11 It came to her now just how little she knew about him — much less than he knew about her life , which was to a great extent an open book , despite his determination to believe she had a dark side .
12 Does he also agree that there has been a noticeable change of opinion in the business community , in that in 1990 it thought that we could go into the exchange rate mechanism without any disadvantage whereas it is now beginning to realise that the ERM obliges us to have a higher exchange rate and higher real interest rates than are appropriate for domestic needs ?
13 As the drama develops remember that if each child feels s/he has a clear responsibility within the drama control problems are far less likely to arise .
14 In creating whole group dramas we should be aware of the need to ensure that every child feels they have a stake in what is happening and that they can genuinely influence outcomes .
15 Bearing that in mind , we find ourselves setting whole group dramas on spaceships or sailing ships , in medieval castles , on expeditions ; and what all these have in common is that within the setting it is comparatively easy to ensure that each participant has an essential role ; we can easily create a chain of dependency , to ensure that each child feels they have a stake in the drama .
16 Erm he will not have asked that time honoured question do you have a car otherwise he knows what er
17 It turned very cold in the evening , with the summit of the mountain periodically hidden in mist , but as the sun set we had a magnificent view .
18 " When the war came he had a fleet of eleven ships , most of them modern carriers of eight hundred to one thousand tons .
19 Then , out of the blue , at a business meeting you had a ‘ panic attack ’ , characterized by hyperventilation and palpitations .
20 Nah Wilko offloaded him cause Rocky knew which way to put his cashcard in the hole-int-wall implying he had a brain and there fore could think for himself — something Wilko do n't encourage .
21 Her husband says she has a big mark across her throat from the rope .
22 Graeme Stephens , John Moreland , Chris Bellis , Gordon Headley and Mike Travis played fictitious characters named Chris , Joe , Raimo , Norman and Tom , and , said Graeme , who is managing director of LASMO Colombia ; ‘ Our VIP group showed they had a fine sense of humour by entering into the fun , and no libel suits have surfaced yet ! ’
23 Although we did not appear to have a direct hit in any vital part ( and the engines were spared ) as soon as we dropped our bombs , and the photo-flash meant we had a picture of where we had left our load , we turned for home .
24 At this stage in my Mespot tour I had a bit of luck .
25 Dorahy knows he has a tough act to follow in attempting to emulate the success of his predecessor John Monie who won every available honour .
26 Because Boocock has concentrated upon colour photographs it has a disturbing quality of being particularly modern although the last day of steam at 70A , the depot which served Waterloo , was 9th July 1967 .
27 Your wife says you have a lot to learn about being a parent , but it is she who has a lot to learn .
28 Southwark Crown Court heard he had a string of convictions involving animal rights activities stretching back nine years .
29 The butcher lets me have a pound of dripping now and then and I can make it last .
30 well once in a blue moon do we have a late night ? , not all that late at that
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