Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 See Friday , I can work Saturday morning , play rugby then pick you up or , I can do work Saturday morning play rugby just Saturday afternoon pick you up Sunday morning and stay for say , Sunday , a couple of hours on Sunday .
2 Rough ground needs care for 70 yards until the roof drops and further progress is possible only by crawling ; here amateur explorers must turn back to daylight , lack of experience denying them further access into a waterfall chamber and eventual emergence at Calf Holes .
3 One of those accused told me that a proper legal defence cost him only £140.00 with legal aid , which he got back because they won .
4 A small local chain of bookshops seeking to identify its strengths and build a strategy in the face of a large chain moving into two of its five towns would probably find that research cost it about £4,500 .
5 those who have come through traditional SCOTVEC and C & G courses consider that the style of the HNC ‘ unitised ’ programme allows them more freedom to further develop their personal and academic skills .
6 Is it that we help publishers to clear their excess stock to give them more space and money to print something else ?
7 And the wind took him up pony and all , and plumped him up against the hedge . ’
8 This episode put me off water for years , the platform had seemed almost as high as the Blackpool Tower which we had just visited .
9 Given the reaction that we are getting , it is probably not for us to defend our policy — it is more for the Opposition to tell us how darkness , secrecy and the protection of a closed professional world will serve the public good in education .
10 He estimated that ‘ an extra year of elementary or secondary schooling really boosts future income less than 4% ; an extra year of college boosts it about 7% and a year of graduate school boosts it about 4% , There can be legitimate disagreement whether these figures indicate only a small effect of schooling on income .
11 All in the division welcome you back Val .
12 British players seem to be Francophiles anyway , and their discipline and bravura make they natural Berlioz players .
13 On another occasion one child asked me why owls flew .
14 His passage cost him just £10 .
15 Mr Hill 's huge jackpot cost him just 54p .
16 Are the 4 cylinder engine mounts suitable to take a Perkins engine without chassis welding and will this engine give me more torque for towing than the present engine .
17 This depends upon whether the Appeal Committee decides that it will have to adjourn the hearing and carry on with it later because some new and important information has been produced , or because the Committee want you or the Council to give it more information .
18 A servant girl brought me up water , I washed and lay back on the bed to rest before dinner .
19 The shares immediately jumped 40p , but did not really take off until American buying late in the session pushed them up 71p to end the day at 1,153p .
20 And Joe 's mum give me mostly pound coins and get it changed for a ten pound note .
21 This enforced poverty made them easier targets for propaganda : if they left with no more than their allowance , they could be portrayed as shabby Untermenschen scuttling away like rats ; if they managed to outwit the system , then they were economic criminals fleeing with stolen goods .
22 The finale has an effortless continuity reminding us why Kempff once likened it to ‘ the voice of the eternally flowing sea . ’
23 This group 's unsuccessful conduct of the war incurred them much unpopularity , and discontent at their domination of the king , together with rumours of corruption , self-seeking and extortion , underlay the commons ' attack upon them in the Good Parliament of 1376 .
24 I shall invite Roirbak and Malamute here for a meeting to give you more freedom .
25 The long cooking time will give a brown skin but you could brush the turkey with brown seasoning or tomato purée to give it more colour .
26 The rain hit us somewhere north of Huarmey , a solid wall of water lit by flashes of lightning .
27 Heuston tells us how Lord Halsbury when he was a Parliamentary candidate was congratulated by Sir Edward Clarke on his election defeat by nine votes in 1874 .
28 Despite herself , she found his concentrated attention put her off balance , but she was not going to hurt Jenny by responding in any way to his compliments and flattery .
29 " Leading from start to finish gives it more credibility .
30 ‘ Well , I 'd never done weights before I came to Chelsea , and my wife gives me better things to eat than bananas .
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