Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new issue market is not a distinct and separate organization within the Stock Exchange , rather it is merely a tag given to the collection of processes by which companies acquire both a listing on the exchange and new equity capital .
2 ‘ She 's had a blood leakage into the vitreous humour , ’ Belinda explained unnecessarily , her heart thudding at the sight of him .
3 For an instant , in her imagination , the ballroom was peopled with guests , and Benedict was partnering her , his gold hair gleaming in the light , his eyes on hers … dancing with the bride .
4 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
5 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
6 The coexistence of these two problems means that a choice must be made between an expansionary or contractionary budget depending on the government 's preference : higher employment or stable prices .
7 " It is a weird experience to drive along the shore road from Bridgend on a night of pitiless rain , and see the heavy mists broken every now and then by the far reaching flash of the Portnahaven lighthouse .
8 I suppose it will be said that it is the height of romanticism to cling to the idea that universities can remain largely publicly funded and that students will not inevitably have to pay fees .
9 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
10 The younger was nineteen or so , just a few inches taller than Melanie , with longish , bright red hair hanging over the collar of a dark blue , rather military looking jacket with shoulder flaps and brass buttons .
11 Firstly , and I return to this point which I have mentioned again and again in debates such as this and that 's the the question of the lack of there being a central agency er in existence to see to the enforcement of these matters .
12 THE family of the young Donegal woman dismembered by a 19-year-old man today slammed the three year prison sentence given to the killer .
13 Nearer our own time , in 1830 , when the extensive manor of Ingleton changed hands , the new owner had a tower intended as a hospice erected on the summit , made from stone pillaged from the wall and the foundations of the huts .
14 Outside stood a young man in oilskins , the hood blowing back from a soaking tangle of brown hair blackened by the rain , and one hand gripping a duffel bag .
15 Her long ginger hair tumbled to the floor ; her short white skirt rode up to hint at the delicious curves of her tender derriere .
16 Long black hair tumbled from the top of the boy 's head .
17 Both words were used to push the Morrissey vision of men 's liberation ; not , as it may sound , a freedom given to the Penthouse reading hordes but a glimpse of Morrissey 's ideal world where gender barriers are entirely dispensed with .
18 The cynic may perhaps be forgiven for commenting that the freedom given by the Use Classes Order and the GDO is so hedged by restrictions , and frequently so difficult to comprehend ( though he may note with relief that painting is not subject to control , unless it is ‘ for purpose of advertisement , announcement or direction ’ ) that it would be safer to assume that any operation constitutes development and requires planning permission .
19 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
20 Clause 10.2 of Precedent 2 provides an express right for the buyer to cancel in the event of breach by the seller .
21 I erm am obviously feeling guilty cos I 'm not feeling guilty but it makes me cough a bit to go to the post office every week and get vastly more disabl disability er invalidity benefit than he gets , vastly more .
22 I think that may have been construed as impolite , so I smiled and replied that , yes indeed it was still a bit to go before the top , and wow , certainly it was proving mighty tough .
23 A special book has been illustrated by Sister Frances Therese at the Carmelite Convent to record every donation given to the hospice in memory of someone who has died .
24 Creativity refers to the generation of novel ideas — innovation to making money with them .
25 The other side of the story evolves around the person not as the object of demands imposed from the outside , but as the creator of such demands addressed to himself .
26 However , Jardana stated that implementation of the budget depended on the availability of foreign grants , aid and easy-term loans .
27 In terms of examinations , school librarians and teachers have aware of examination requirements and ensure that the soft chosen for part of any course fits into the examination required as laid down by examination boards .
28 He was stripped to the waist and as he jogged along between the shafts a few coins — obviously his meagre earnings for the day — jingled pathetically in a leather pouch fastened to the back of his belt .
29 The age and sex distribution of children who had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosed in the study area conformed to expected patterns , with slightly more boys and a peak age at diagnosis of 3 years ; the excess of Down 's syndrome in young children with non-lymphocytic forms of leukaemia is as would be expected .
30 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
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