Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
2 This winsome description fits in with the descriptions of the messianic age in the book of Isaiah , with the wolf lying down with the lamb , the lion and the ox eating straw together , and the little child playing happily and fearlessly with them and even putting its little hand unhurt into the hole of the poisonous viper .
3 Then he pulled down the oven door , smelt the sweet , fatty smell of the meat and knew that it was probably this very fact that accounted for his decision to go through with the business .
4 Whether this chairman goes along with the president or not may turn on many factors , but bargaining is very likely to play a part .
5 The afternoon kicks off with a tour of the former Delorean complex including a trip around the original test track .
6 My proposal asks a great deal of many of you : time , energy , commitment , a willingness to go along with a plan which there is not time to discuss at length , and with ideas which I do n't imagine will win universal approval .
7 because I just think it would , it 's so important to get that bit , that bit goes along with the all the application bit , if we tie those two up together
8 The tenth case got off with a very stern reprimand from Matron and a very black mark against her name for the rest of her career .
9 The youngest of whom , she discovered , was only six weeks old , and was brought from the bedroom in an elderly bassinet to be fed , not mother 's milk , but some patent milk powder made up with the dubious water from the outside tap .
10 GM schools will be able to change their character if that is what parents clearly want and the change fits in with the wider needs of the local area .
11 The Bible is quite clear that it is always a mistake for a Christian to go out with a non-Christian .
12 How can a series of fixed instructions cause the computer to come up with a random sequence of results ?
13 Callinicos ' conclusion to these arguments is that despite their efforts , built around a claimed contrast of the postmodern either with or within Modernism , these authors have produced only ‘ mutually and often internally inconsistent accounts ’ of the ‘ postmodern ’ , manifesting an ‘ inability to come up with a plausible and coherent account of its distinguishing characteristics ’ ( p. 28 ) .
14 When Sir Bryan Thwaites , chairman of Wessex Regional Health Authority , spoke out during an election about the impossibility of NHS funding keeping up with the expectations of patients and doctors , he was promptly told by the government to keep quiet .
15 We had just finished the DI ( daily inspection ) when a very elderly photographer wandered up with a rickety tripod and ancient camera .
16 a passenger seat with a ‘ relax ’ setting in which the cushion reclines along with the backrest to provide optimum comfort
17 Word of the display travelled fast and so many people were drawn to it that Porter International had difficulty keeping up with the crowds .
18 Of course , nobody has gone that far into space and sampled stardust to come back with a bag full of diamonds .
19 Sixthly , how would the possible creation of such a German unity fit in with the Helsinki process , and would it promote a constructive evolution of that process in the direction of ending the division of Europe and progressing toward integrated legal , economic , ecological , cultural , and information environments in Europe ?
20 In Jones & Smith [ 1976 ] 3 All ER 54 ( CA ) , the occupier 's son had general permission to enter the house but he did not have permission to come in with a friend to steal two televisions , despite the father 's saying that his son would never be a trespasser in his house .
21 We have recently had another Degree Day and an opportunity to meet up with a few familiar faces .
22 I 'm grateful to you for your readiness to fall in with the proposals made , and er , I have enjoyed the opportunity to chair this A G M. The meeting is now concluded .
23 The flame winked out with a suddenness that was almost as startling as its arrival .
24 Much the same thinking goes on with the directory of Members ' Interests .
25 But more important is a feeling that the sky burial fits in with the isolation and strangeness of the setting .
26 Tampopo might have sold a few more bowls of noodles and Babette 's Feast caused little hiccups of interest in historic cooking , but The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover plays around with the relationship between food , sex and death in a way that is bound to cause offence .
27 They waited for the priest to pass along with the thin wafer of bread and while they did so their hands were like this , cupped and raised in a gesture that might be offering or receiving .
28 If the Council did a good deal to catch up with the agenda of the Council of Trent , it did rather little to face the real agenda confronting the whole human and Christian community in the last decades of this century .
29 One sequence , filmed in Maidenhead , showed Crawford , dressed up in a fireman 's uniform , peddling furiously on a bike in an attempt to catch up with the engine .
30 I found myself half-way up the path between the rhododendrons before the conscious mind caught up with the fact that , though there had been a padlock on the garden gate , the gate had been unlocked .
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