Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ministry of agriculture has carried out successful trials on the new tests but says the government has yet to make a final decision on wether to fully adopt the new system .
2 Intel Corp has put off first deliveries of the P5 microprocessor to the first quarter of next year from the fourth quarter this year , but says that the move has not affected progress on the follow-on P6 , which it had said would start sampling as soon as the fourth quarter of next year , suggesting it will come very hot on the heels of the P5 .
3 On the road , the Christian driver has pointed out those inscriptions on the walls of the Dog River .
4 The good news for developing countries is that change has opened up unforeseen opportunities .
5 It is true that English Heritage has carried out frequent monitoring .
6 SHELL has passed up potential profits of hundreds of millions of pounds and revenue of about £1 billion over the next few years after deciding not to take up its full rights in a major oil find west of Shetland .
7 Prompt recovery from the effects of jetlag has taken on added importance given the rescheduling of events .
8 Recession has brought back racial politics .
9 The Swedish nuclear safety board has closed down five elderly boiling-water nuclear reactors on safety grounds [ see also ED 59-60 ] .
10 and this is compounded by the fact that the executive branch has given up any attempt to control the military-industrial complex .
11 Soon the chewed mass has sponged up any moisture left and your dry tongue is clanging against the side of your mouth like the great bell of Notre Dame .
12 The Delicatessen & Fine Food Association has set up this telephone service to help you track down your nearest supplier of almost any specialist ingredient .
13 The number of police officrs in the Thames Valley in relation to the population is still less than it was twenty years ago , yet crime has gone up six times .
14 The British film industry has churned out many such tales in recent years .
15 In recent months the car industry has laid off thousands of workers and put many more on short time .
16 The solo Univel rep and ex-SCO employee has lined up Sydney-based Com Tech Communications as prime distributor and MUA Pty Ltd as associate distributor for UnixWare , matching existing arrangements under which the Santa Cruz Operation Inc has distributed its desktop Unix in Australia .
17 Uncertainty has brought down many monarchies throughout history .
18 This chapter has laid out some general elements for an understanding of the ‘ logic ’ of state enterprises in an era of increased commercialism .
19 Prospective studies throw more light on the antecedent factors but only one study has followed up high-risk young people for a sufficient number of years to provide any helpful analyses .
20 The college has built up strong links with local industry and this will be reflected on the board .
21 Although research has mapped out many of the inter-active processes that cause acid rain , the details are complex and not yet fully understood .
22 Over the last 150 years , the world of knowledge and understanding created through research has opened up infinite possibilities for higher education , and so research has become undeniably linked to our modern understanding of higher education .
23 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
24 Mr Patten spent much of yesterday emphasising that he wanted to respect local decisions , and that once the regions and his department had worked out overall allocations , it was for local electorates to decide where they put the bricks and mortar .
25 They finished the session , stripped the gearbox and found a tooth had broken off second gear .
26 It alleged the industry had paid off several Socialist MPs to block legislation in parliament that would have laid pachinko parlours more open to the scrutiny of the tax authorities .
27 Recent changes affecting the bus industry have brought about far-reaching implications for their organisational arrangements and operating environments .
28 ‘ I — it 's nothing — the — the tabulation 's come out uneven — I 'll have to do it again . ’
29 Pawing through the new range has turned up some interesting items .
30 The agency 's move into local tour operating has brought in new bookings at a time when agents generally are feeling the pinch of high mortage rates .
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