Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [vb pp] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 A TANGLE over patents with the Ministry of Defence has done wonders for sales of a new radar system for small boats .
2 It may interest them that within the last few months the European parliament has agreed to press for a bill of rights for the citizens of Europe and for a written constitution for Europe .
3 In the past , the exciting forward has opted to play for Sweden and lost out on his club place afterwards .
4 The freeze on spirits duty acknowledges , if it does not yet rectify , the wholly unjust domestic tax regime against which the Scotch whisky industry has had to struggle for years .
5 ‘ Sadly the North-East has become noted for a new and unpleasant form of crime , so-called ram-raiding , ’ said Mr Tebbit .
6 Mr Tebbit said : ‘ Sadly the North-East has become noted for a new and unpleasant form of crime , so-called ram-raiding .
7 And if the stranger had come to ask for his two pounds back , my sister would gladly have given it to him .
8 Brian Harley had seemed short of inspiration too , and his putting had failed to compensate for a number of lapses in his long game .
9 The first question in each of the opening interviews was why the practice had decided to apply for fundholding status .
10 He said the Royal Mail had agreed to pay for the reprinting of the leaflets but it would be too late .
11 The Committee has continued to press for a sensible Charter for the Courts as an adjunct to the Citizen 's Charter and meetings have been held with officials in the Home Office and the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
12 More recent work has attempted to allow for the fact that holders of money balances may switch into a whole spectrum of assets , such as equities , trade bills and certificates of deposit .
13 There must be some hidden sexual factor involved , as though the soft-furred ( and therefore sexy ) cat has come to stand for sexual violence and rape , via its savagely sharp claws and canine teeth .
14 With the recession the local labour council has refused to go for new jobs and at the height of this , they sacked the man whose job it was to bring jobs to Swindon .
15 The entire Barnes collection has been examined by National Gallery conservators , and the National Gallery has agreed to arrange for the tour 's transportation and insurance .
16 He spent hours with the local clergyman who had his own private store of medicines such as Epsom salts , gentian , laudanum , and quantities of port which he believed built up the strength , and he had seen for himself how garlic had done wonders for children with whooping cough .
17 The shop takes a commission on sales and the seller has helped pay for his trip .
18 If nothing else , the jamboree has done wonders for the national dress .
19 Now the group has helped pay for a bronze sculpture in memory of the navvies .
20 History has shown that investing in the stock market during times of economic recovery has proved rewarding for investors who are looking for a good return over the longer term .
21 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
22 This type of badgering has got to stop for everyone 's good .
23 John Cresswell said the Labour group had chosen to pay for repairs on homes in Cockerton when the funding should have been more widely distributed .
24 Her body had remained hidden for several days .
25 If the symbols for mem and gimmel have become differentiated for Hebrew readers during the course of their previous experience with this alphabet , these subjects should be at an advantage on both test tasks — an enhanced ability to discriminate between the two Hebrew symbols should be helpful in both cases .
26 Once the Commissioner has agreed to pay for legal advice or representation in particular proceedings , the assisted person need incur no further significant costs in taking those proceedings , or in any steps preliminary to those proceedings .
27 Customs will usually take the point if the landlord has failed to account for it to them .
28 The English court had given leave for the service of a writ upon the president of a Panamanian shipping operation at a stated address in Lugano or elsewhere in Switzerland .
29 Adam had often refused to get out , and Gran had had to pay for another ride .
30 Authorities concerned over rural depopulation have attempted to provide for the consumer and cultural needs of rural dwellers , but the drift has persisted .
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