Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] been of " in BNC.

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1 The quality of his work has always been of exceptional high standard and featured in every major project in the company .
2 This form of mimicking was described by the great biologist Henry Bates in the l9th century ; and such Batesian mimicry has long been of interest , particularly to students of evolution .
3 My poetry had never been of so much practical use to me before .
4 Sadism had always been of theoretical interest to Freud , and he suggests in Beyond the Pleasure Principle that it derives its energy from the death instincts .
5 In a community like this the printed word has always been of more importance than to most of those whose access to books was very much easier .
6 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
7 The state of the weather has always been of great interest and almost every column has a full account .
8 Confidentiality for the client has always been of paramount importance within the CAB and is accepted by all workers as an essential part of their work .
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