Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The consortium warns however that at present it lacks the finances to shift the project into a full-scale development phase .
2 They found most of the equipment to do just that in my flat when they searched it : an answer-machine , my PC and its modem ; another lead or two and it would have been easy to set it up if you knew what you were doing , or just used trial and error and were patient .
3 The remuneration packages will add fuel to the debate about top-level rewards but the group claimed yesterday that with pre-tax profits and earnings per share up 17 p.c. last year and the dividend to shareholders 10 p.c. higher the increases were justified .
4 The West , the Atlantic world , may have been firing rockets to the moon and fighting a war in Indochina , but the benefit of hindsight indicates now that in other ways it was gripped by a blinkered and introspective mood , absorbed by its own internal problems .
5 This was the first device to show quantitatively that at least a straight magnetic field system could contain a hot , high-pressure hydrogen plasma without having it diffuse across the magnetic field too rapidly .
6 Bradstone , leading producers of high quality paving and walling products , is pleased to offer out prizewinner the opportunity to do just that in this exciting competition to win a patio worth £3,000 .
7 France 's Carrefour did just that by setting up a hard-discount subsidiary , Erteco , in the mid-1980s .
8 Substantial growth had already taken place during the course of the eighteenth century , but after 1801 the pace quickened so that by 1851 the population of England and Wales stood at 17·9 millions .
9 This negative bias entails however that in the speaker 's eyes there are no real reasons which can be conceived as occupying the before-position which a reason normally occupies with respect to the action it calls for ; and since there is consequently nothing which can be situated in time before this action , the meaning of to does not apply in this use .
10 The method already described for measuring the curvature of the sphere generalizes so that for any other two-dimensional surface the curvature is given by
11 A spokesman said yesterday that in view of the support from traders and shoppers , it appeared that the town 's chamber of trade was ‘ out on a limb ’ in opposing an open air market .
12 One local SD report stated frankly that after the November speech hostile opinion could hardly be registered because of the fear ‘ of being brought to reckoning ’ .
13 NOT MANY preserved steam railways can boast two unique happenings in two days , but the West Somerset Railway did just that at its sixth annual Vintage Vehicle Rally and Steam Fayre over the weekend of August 1–2 .
14 They debated unhappily , reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion , until John Prophet suggested sadly that in the circumstances it might be well to consult the archbishop of Canterbury , and in some relief they agreed on this course , and carried their problem that same afternoon to Lambeth ; where Thomas Arundel , on the force of whose word and influence they could rely , advised them , in consideration of the desperate need , to issue the required letters patent , and he would be responsible for defending their action to the king , should it need any defence .
15 Blood-filled spaces or lacunae soon develop in the wing-pad ( appearing in the and instar of Pteronarcys , for example ) and alter as growth proceeds so that in the later instars the lacunae correspond in arrangement to the veins of the adult wings ; the veins , in fact , arise by differential sclerotization of the integument adjacent to the lacunae .
16 His body clock free-ran so that on occasions he was the victim of a clash between an internal cause — which thought it was night and wanted him to sleep — and an external cause , society — which required him to work in the ( real ) daytime .
17 This plan should be regularly updated as the design evolves so that at any moment in time it represents the best forecast of the final cost of the project .
18 Grainne , listening , watching , saw how his eyes darkened when he became absorbed in something , and how the planes of his face shifted so that at times the eagleblood was more strongly marked than others … how the cap-like golden hair shone beneath the light from the wall sconces …
19 The motorbike slowed so that for the first time they could see the outlines of the rider , a derelict farmhouse appeared in its headlight beam and the car behind them started flashing its lights .
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