Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [coord] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 In one case the court confirmed the Commission 's finding that there was evidence of abusive conduct where United Brands ' prices in certain banana markets within the EC were excessive in relation to the economic value of the product supplied and that they differed considerably from one EC market to another .
2 At the conclusion of the hearing of this petition for special leave to appeal their Lordships announced that they would humbly advise Her Majesty that the petitioner ought to be granted special leave to appeal and that they would give their reasons later .
3 In accordance with that view , the final conclusion expressed by the Advocate General was that , in the circumstances of the Conforama and Marchandise cases , it could not be concluded that the obstacles created exceeded what was necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued or that they were out of proportion thereto .
4 the oppositions between authority and freedom , self-expression and self-control , and masculinity and femininity , are among the basic conflicts around which an individual 's life develops and that they cover his responses to a wide range of logically unrelated issues … they represent some of the earliest developmental crises through which each individual in this particular culture passes : the impact of parental authority ; the demand for self-control , first physical , later verbal ; and the establishment of a satisfactory sexual identity .
5 This would show how well the catapult worked and if they had to make any adjustments in their aim .
6 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun .
7 Many pilots find that they manage safely on their first few short cloud climbs but that they soon get tired and lose their concentration .
8 When they 're on song they 're a treat to watch and if they can play like this all the time Richard Hill and co may take some stopping next season .
9 However , guests will cease to be lawful visitors if they enter parts of the premises , such as the kitchen , offices , laundry , etc. , which they do not have permission to enter or if they enter parts of the premises where no one would reasonably expect them to go .
10 They heard his step falter and as they pressed into the doorway after him they came face to face with Philippe Maurin , holding a gun .
11 The glass lift took an interminable time arriving and as they descended , Nicholas felt as exposed as Saint Sebastian .
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