Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Here in the final work , the shaping of a total unity , there returns a crucial division , and because I can not read from it , even badly , I will not talk about it , which leaves intact your freedom to go and read it .
2 The driver stopped and welcomed me aboard .
3 I did n't accept er the opportunity to retire and take it easy , it seemed as if I had worked twenty seven years for nothing !
4 The fragments may be eaten there and then or tucked away beside the column to be collected when the hunt is over and taken back to feed the queen and those who stayed back in camp to tend and protect her .
5 and he go and mum goes where have you been ?
6 ‘ Dennis had played a seasson for Northants and I got the opportunity to go and see him in Perth , ’ he explained .
7 So you have to keep spending your money to go and visit them .
8 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
9 Robyn has only the dimmest memories of the country of her birth , and has never had the opportunity to refresh or renew them , Professor Penrose 's characteristic response to any suggestion that the family should revisit Australia being a shudder .
10 I hope it will provide your parents ’ she stressed the word — ‘ with an excuse to come and visit me more often . ’
11 ‘ Gives me an excuse to come and put you to bed , I guess .
12 And if not I 'll see if I can think of an excuse to try and contact her myself . ’
13 It will inevitably be a political process but it will be a more informed political judgement , the reformers claim , than the pure bargaining process that preceded it .
14 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
15 Lee made a dive to try and stop him but it was no good without the collar and he fell sprawling on the gravel .
16 Like the Sleeping Beauty , you are still waiting for your prince to come and awaken you . ’
17 GAME show host Leslie Crowther is fully conscious again , five weeks after the car crash that put him in a coma .
18 Cos no-one 's got the nerve to go and fuck her .
19 Had the Government not thought that they could get the Bill passed without the House having a serious attempt to debate or qualify it , those matters could have been discussed with experts .
20 ‘ Chinchero ? ’ a campesino asked and waved us on .
21 ‘ I 've a good mind to go and have it out with him here and now .
22 ‘ But he who is in quest of picturesque scenery of the Lake ( Derwent ) must travel along the rough side screens that adorn it and catch its beauties as they arise in smaller portions , its little bays , and winding shores … its deep recesses , and hanging promontories , its garnished rocks and distant mountains . ’
23 ‘ In case you have n't noticed , other than that first call , I 've made no attempt to try and find him since we 've been here . ’
24 It was n't until later , when Robyn heard Anne 's key in the lock , that she realised just how long she had been staring into space , miserably going over and over the disastrous weekend , in a futile attempt to try and put it all back into some sort of perspective .
25 You want the lord of the manor to come and carry you off as his long lost daughter , is that it ? ’
26 No sound , nothing but the gentle flurry of leaves as the wind lifted and scattered them like pieces of gold across the grass .
27 Analysing the difference between Labour and the Tories , Mr Kinnock said that while Labour planned ahead for the future , the Government waited for the future to come and hit them .
28 Confusion , despair , futility and hopelessness reached out from the darkest corners of Martin 's mind to engulf and possess him utterly .
29 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
30 He waited , out of long experience with dominant characters , until a natural break occurred and used it to ask for some background , starting with how long the Minister had known Miss Morgan .
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