Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At least , she thought as the taxi carried her to the astrologer 's home , she had not had the ordeal of having to explain her bizarre decision to go out to Piers .
2 The Community of Madonna House expressed their willingness to go out to parishes and help with prayer or study groups if requested .
3 And the April referendum applied only to savings banks .
4 And I 've borrowed money to go out to shops in the first place
5 BA Marketing 's first mailing goes out to publishers next week , and there will be a second letter towards the end of April inviting submissions .
6 The urban middle-class heart goes out to jaguars , exotic Indians and magnificent trees with a generosity that is not evident in the cases of kangaroos and red coral .
7 At first sight , Penrose 's result applied only to stars ; it did n't have anything to say about the question of whether the entire universe had a big bang singularity in its past .
8 ‘ Bookshelf ’ , the only Radio 4 programme devoted entirely to books , is to be taken off the air from the end of June and not replaced .
9 The cost of running PERT varied between 3 per cent and 9 per cent of the project cost , the latter figure applying mainly to projects costing less than $100 000 .
10 The cost of running PERT varied between 3 per cent and 9 per cent of the project cost , the latter figure applying mainly to projects costing less than $100 000 .
11 It is Coward who is singled out for specific blame by Durgnat , his screenplay compared explicitly/dismissively to women 's romance fiction as if that , by itself , was a confirmation of worthlessness .
12 She found herself half listening to his gossip , her mind drifting away to Piers and Nicole , wondering whether the day they were spending together had spilled over into night , and whether her husband suspected anything about what was between them .
13 Lenny responds quickly to requests made of him both by campers and counsellors alike .
14 a plaintiff accepting money in court is not automatically entitled to cost of pursuing other defendants since costs of action refer only to costs against a specific party.the plaintiff may ask the court to exercise its discretion e.g if defendants liability is joint .
15 Our old mates THE ORB popped round to Vibes central control the other day for tea and spacecakes and a quick intergalactic natter , and somehow they just happened to leave a whole box of ORB window stickers in the VIBES record cupboard — and would you believe it just as they were about to leave we could n't find the key ?
16 Actually , I believe that the marriage rule applies only to women , which says something for what marriage is supposed to do for them , but on that sunny Tuesday afternoon neither of the disqualifying conditions applied to me .
17 The FASB rule applies only to assets held for trading ; the bulk of insurers ' assets are long-term investments , and so will continue to be shown at their historic value .
18 It is worth noting that , in its terms , this rule applies only to applications for leave .
19 The process which had begun with Lavoisier 's study of respiration and continued with Prout 's work on digestion led on to studies of proteins and fats .
20 The Special Squads were the Nazis ' ‘ most demonic crime ’ , representing ‘ an attempt to shift on to others — specifically the victims — the burden of guilt , so that they were deprived even of the solace of innocence ’ .
21 This tension led on to attempts to fuse the government parties in 1920 , to the failure of almost every government policy , and to complete deadlock by 1921 .
22 ( 12 ) Where the reasons stated in a notice under this rule relate specifically to matters which ( a ) refer to a person identified in the notice other than the member in question ; and ( b ) are in the opinion of the board prejudicial to that person in any office or employment , the board shall , unless they consider it impracticable to do so , serve a copy of the notice on that person .
23 Although the supply of these assets — and therefore economic activity — may respond at first , eventually the increase in the money stock feeds through to prices .
24 ‘ They have also to be congratulated for their willingness to talk openly to outsiders such as school pupils about the problems caused by alcohol dependency in an attempt to help reduce the problem within the community . ’
25 Willingness to talk directly to pupils about the aims of GIST was another feature of the more successful schools .
26 None the less , the necessity to reach out to others — to make abolitionists — even from a strong sense of a mutually supportive movement could contribute to tensions and conflicts between individuals and groups of reformers , as the previous chapter indicated .
27 The ad may confirm a previous decision to purchase the product , and encourage the buyer to talk favourably to friends about it .
28 After much discussion Angel got down to details .
29 Twenty years of police service had convinced him that Murphy 's law applied especially to police operations — no matter how meticulously they were planned , if it were remotely possible for something to fuck up , then it would !
30 Now let's have a nationwide campaign spelling out to youngsters how Ecstasy causes internal bleeding and brain damage .
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