Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 What matters for our p rposes here is that there must be something special about those numbers , because three different species of cicada have independently converged upon them .
2 However , the danger evident in some of the work produced here is that , like diffusionism , it tends to examine particular cultural items without an adequate appreciation of their social context , and so may give a distorted picture of what are essentially social phenomena .
3 What accountability rests on is that those particular representatives of the local authority have the opportunity to ask any question and have it answered at any time during the three hundred and sixty five days of the year in which we operate , and they are in a specially privileged position to challenge , or question , or talk about , or have answered — any particular point with regard to the work we 're involved with .
4 The important point to emphasise here is that , because of management 's concerns with cost and quality , the application of robotics technology did not lead , as much publicity would suggest , to an improvement in work-life quality .
5 The point argued here is that characteristically German bourgeois identity was fundamentally bound up with statist ideology .
6 The scenario envisaged here is that a buyer of a car will have a contract not only with the supplier , but also a collateral contract with the manufacturer on the basis of the terms contained in a precise advertisement , the consideration for which being the entry into the main contract of supply ( see Shanklin Pier Ltd v Detel Products Ltd [ 1951 ] 2 KB 854 ; Andrews v Hopkinson [ 1957 ] 1 QB 229 ) .
7 The the great , the one thing about the Community Development Team to point out is that , they 've got people working on pa particular in particular ways with the community .
8 The most important point to stress here is that , as Oakley ( 1974 ) points out , housework is work and should be compared with paid jobs outside the home .
9 The point to make here is that if it is good enough for the courts to judge a publication as a whole then it would be perverse of a librarian to do otherwise in book selection .
10 The point to make here is that the logic of adversary adjudication is that the decision of the court should be based on the case put to it by the parties in dispute and not on material or information supplied by third parties ; and rules of evidence are designed to achieve this result .
11 A final point to make here is that another effect of silent viewing of video is the interest it generates and the way this manifests itself in commitment to a point of view about a scene .
12 The first point to note here is that there has to be a balance of need .
13 The important point to note here is that for Bukharin this state of equilibrium contained deviations and fluctuations , thus what he was postulating is not a static equilibrium nor even a dynamic one — dynamic in the sense of an orderly balanced growth .
14 The main point to note here is that the mains entry hole needs to be fitted with a 10mm cable clamping grommet .
15 An important point to note here is that these were not really arguments against correctionalism as such .
16 The point to note here is that it is the lower-wage countries for which this is the case and the crucial impact of the TNCs has been to create intense pressure to keep down labour costs in order to attract foreign investment .
17 The argument made here is that already applied to Halgren 's ( 1974 ) results .
18 The advice offered here is that a reader should ignore what category of writing a book or article may come under , since helpful art criticism may be found in all sorts of sources .
19 The main argument presented here is that the General Strike was partly , but significantly , a consequence of the determination of successive governments to reduce wages , thus increasing unemployment in the short term , in the hope of strengthening the pound and returning to the gold standard — a view which has already been developed in Chapter 1 .
20 The argument presented here is that in the latter part of the twentieth century more and more capitalists have come to believe that their objective interests are best served through transnational practices , as evidenced by the phenomenal growth of the presence and influence of the TNCs outside the hegemon countries , and what I am describing as transnational capitalist classes .
21 Consequently , for She may own a Porsche , the following diagram can be proposed : The relation is the same for She may leave tomorrow except that the actualization of the infinitive 's event would be future ( if it is realized at all ) : The role of the modal auxiliaries is thus to specify the kind of potentiality which the potential event expressed by the infinitive has — possibility , probability , necessity , etc. — and the type of coincidence involved here is that between an event conceived as a potentiality and the form of potentiality which it is conceived as having , i.e. between two potentialities .
22 What the rhetorical approach points out is that such dialogue expresses the contrary themes of cultural and ideological life .
23 Suppose we require to solve unc The square matrix used here is that employed for the Examples of 2.2 ; we choose diagonal pivoting without row interchange .
24 The way I and others who witnessed the incident feel now is that Ian Woosnam 's game is well over par .
25 The difficulty many pupils experience with the scale illustrated below is that each division represents 0.2 of a centimetre and not 0.1 .
26 Therefore a key implication of the rational expectations hypothesis when combined with the aggregate demand — aggregate supply model developed above is that the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic stabilization policy is badly flawed .
27 The thing to remember here is that the throttle should never be closed suddenly .
28 The most important thing to understand here is that people try to re-establish some sort of control over their situation .
29 The only conditions the Taxman lays down is that you give the same amount regularly for at least four years and that you are a UK taxpayer .
30 The impression left by the report issued yesterday is that its main aim was not to upset anyone .
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