Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 With her heart thudding so loudly that she felt sure he must feel it through her ribcage , she took another gulp of tea and waited , knowing he must speak , explain somehow what it was that had suddenly flared between them again .
2 It is doubtful that the 1703 visitors were looking at ‘ pickle ’ since the anthropoid shell fits so tightly that no additional liquid could have been introduced .
3 A gift or donation is , at its best , a payment made voluntarily so that a service may be given to others .
4 If the trial goes so badly that the plaintiff wants to take the money out during it he must , as was decided in Gaskins v British Aluminium Co Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 524 , make an application to do so , and he must have the defendant 's consent even to make the application .
5 The current project will extend previous work by presenting the homograph primes so briefly that the subjects are not consciously aware of them .
6 The wind came so swiftly that within half an hour we were reducing sail , taking water over the deck , and beginning to lumber into a building seaway .
7 It seems to me that the New Testament says very clearly that many people came to Jesus asking for a sign and he pointed to himself .
8 His condition deteriorated so rapidly that Brian was unable to reach his father 's bedside in New York before he died .
9 Those who understood this might leave a swatch of fabric lying around so that Laura could pick it up and believe she had discovered it herself , even if they had been trying to persuade her to use it for months .
10 Research shows very clearly that people recognize when they are being spoken down to , and they resent it .
11 Research shows quite clearly that although the two names may occasionally have been confused due to scribal error , mishearing by early recorders , or poor scholarship , they are quite distinct and separate in origin and have remained separate in use by the families bearing them .
12 The terms of reference for this review stated very clearly that the extent of resources being made available for community care was not being questioned .
13 The dictionary states quite clearly that it comes from the United States .
14 For instance , his winged sandals helped him to steal cows belonging to APOLLO , and his wit ensured the stock walked backwards so that no trace of their movements could be found .
15 I must get the tape lined up so that it 's ready to switch on when we come home cos it 's gon na be , walk home from school if it 's a nice day , we 'll , we 'll have to hurry home .
16 The Headmaster in an interview said rather surprisingly that he considered this a greater handicap than any actual malnutrition among secondary pupils .
17 I had a similar experience in the vestibule of the BBC with an interviewee from the Festival of Light who was declaiming the sins of magazines with open-crotch poses so loudly that I had to pretend I was n't with him .
18 The pattern recogniser should be improved , perhaps by the use of some interactive techniques whereby the recogniser and the lexical look-up work together so that the look-up may be able to predict which characters could be next within a word .
19 When the green light comes on again that means it 's done does n't it ?
20 By the Franck-Condon Principle , ionization occurs so fast that the internuclear distance does not have time to change ; the ion is produced with the internuclear distance that was appropriate for the molecule , in what is called a ‘ vertical ’ transition .
21 When it was running , the geyser roared so loudly that the place felt like a rocket in the middle of a take off .
22 also history if I might just say that when the Post Office er split from the Civil Service , the firm was in deficit for twenty years and of course Post Office management say quite clearly that they were putting in sums of eighteen per cent of the pay bill when it was only supposed to be nine per cent of the pay bill and that 's why they 're entitled to the to the surplus .
23 Those members of MI5 who have written or spoken publicly about their work say quite clearly that the directive is consistently and deliberately ignored .
24 Bernard Fall says very precisely that he was held from 28 August 1942 to 16 September 1943 .
25 There was no brand name on the yarn and the work twisted so badly that she could not wear it .
26 I tried to get most of my work done today so that I would not have so much to do on the weekend .
27 This ambiguity does not greatly alter our conclusions regarding airburst altitude : once an object has spread to , say , twice its initial radius , its further spreading happens so quickly that an ‘ explosion altitude ’ is defined to within a few kilometres , regardless of whether the explosion is taken to occur then or when the object has spread to 5–10 times its initial radius .
28 ‘ The abuse happened so often that I thought it was normal .
29 Baffling contradictions in the attitude of management happen more often that one might imagine .
30 I uphold the law of this realm — and the law states quite clearly that vagrants are rogues and vagabonds .
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