Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The writer goes on to make further points about the picture 's elements .
2 Rachel too climbed out of the pool , not having the heart to carry on swimming now that the others had finished .
3 Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children 's explanations .
4 The Right Hon John Patten MP , Minister of State for the Home Office ( right ) , comments that , ‘ Victim Support has deservedly grown fast because it meets a long-standing and deep need that had been neglected for far too long .
5 Occupational pension provision has always served best the interests of employees who have a lifelong record of full time employment in the better paid occupations which offer an employer 's pension as a fringe benefit .
6 ‘ How are things at 6 Commando area , Piper ? ’ he enquired , ‘ The attack by the Black Watch has not gone too well judging by the number of wounded passing through here ! ’
7 And progress has n't stopped even yet .
8 What kind of slump is it when England 's most expensive striker has yet to go more than two games without a goal ?
9 This change has not happened overnight .
10 Our intimacy has not proceeded so far .
11 Considering the technical complexities required , televised science fiction has frequently earned less than proportionately balanced critical response .
12 And appearing only for the defence has always seemed too easy an option .
13 This geezer has n't got much in the way of skills , but he 's fairly popular with the fans .
14 But with our increased intake of animal fat in the last couple of generations , our bodies ' capacity to adapt has often broken down and the cholesterol level has simply risen higher in many individuals .
15 It has , for example , become the principal breed in subarctic Finland and the Finnish Ayrshire is now widespread in several northern countries , including the USSR , but the Scottish cow has also adapted well to hot climates and is found in Kenya and South Africa in particular .
16 People trying to comprehend the field reviewed here have exactly the same problems in information overload as executives trying to comprehend their enterprise 's environment !
17 ‘ It 's a skull really , but the saint 's skin has never rotted away , ’ he informed me .
18 A major balance of payments deficit when the economy is in deep recession has not occurred before in this country .
19 A major balance of payments deficit when the economy is in deep recession has not occurred before in this country .
20 And the racism has n't gone away , it 's just better hidden . ’
21 The onus of showing reliance has now shifted away from the buyer and it is for the seller to prove that there was no reasonable reliance .
22 THE ELECTION has now become so thunderingly dull that I believe the viewing ratings on telly have never been lower .
23 Day 22 ) The part has not arrived yet .
24 The University has also invested heavily in microcomputer laboratories , which have been established in most parts of the campus .
25 The culture of Physics has not changed greatly in recent years .
26 It is for the HVS–E1 climber that the crag has most to offer though , and a short tour along the edge taking in the following climbs will not disappoint .
27 A special unit set up to track down the missing money has now traced around three hundred million pounds — but there could still be a long legal battle to get some of it returned .
28 MAKING money has suddenly become much more profitable as recently-created countries wanting to establish their newly-won independence start issuing their own currency .
29 The account of the development of marsh given here applies mainly to East Anglia .
30 The applicant goes away complaining vehemently about the treatment received , the official retires behind the partition to complain about yet another bad-tempered , ungrateful recipient of state benefits .
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