Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Admiration has nothing at all to do with — falling in love , that sort of thing .
2 You see , I did n't know her for long and it was a privilege to meet her at all .
3 The neo-pagans say this is nonsense , their religion has nothing at all to do with the devil , because the devil is an invention of the Christians .
4 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
5 The most dramatic development of the last quarter of a century has been the emergence of the urban-rural shift as a major factor in population redistribution , but in the late 1970s and early 1980s its strength waned somewhat , as too did the pace of local decentralization , whereas the North-South divide reasserted itself at this time after a period of lower significance .
6 Ron does n't remember this tall , slightly gawky figure approaching him at all .
7 There 's no reasson to keep it at all .
8 ‘ While I might have had difficulty believing you at that particular moment two years ago , it was two years ago .
9 Rather than learning that ‘ nothing bad ’ follows a non-reinforced stimulus , the animal might learn that the stimulus predicts nothing at all , that the stimulus is not correlated with another event .
10 The interpretation of what remains as historical evidence is after all fundamental to the historians craft , but the deliberate preservation of historical source materials in the absence of context ( or worse still the failure to preserve them at all ) surely does little justice to the society in which we live .
11 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
12 ‘ But in any case , you had no right to leave me at that pub all night .
13 Peter Mandelson , Patricia Hewitt and a number of other Fabian commentators could have behaved more courteously by addressing the Liberal Democrats by their full name instead of calling them Liberals ; Tony Blair could have had the courage to name them at all , instead of subsuming them into a vague phrase about building common cause with other parties ‘ around the world ’ .
14 After all if we say , ‘ I did n't appreciate that remark , ’ that tells the world something about us , and we may perceive that it is unwise to let people know that the remark disturbs us at all so we do not share our feelings .
15 If I start thinking of It as a person , entitled to a dignified end , the next thing will be of course that I have no right to end It at all .
16 To pick verses at random from the Bible proves nothing at all , except that we are gullible and are not using the Scriptures as we are intended to .
17 Some candidates may indicate a clear reluctance to commit themselves at this stage and this is helpful in making the final decision about who best to appoint .
18 If a method of collecting evidence is reliable , it means that anybody else using this method , or the same person using it at another time , would come up with the same results .
19 Some 64pc of those entitled to Family Credit receive it at any one time .
20 In front of the railway station , a second police car ( summoned by a confident Morse as Lewis had driven him from North Oxford ) was now waiting , and the Chief Inspector nodded a perfunctory greeting to the two detective-constables who sat side by side in the front seats as they watched , and awaited , developments ; watched the three men walk over to the twenty-minute waiting-area set aside for those meeting passengers from British Rail journeys — an area where parking cost nothing at all ; watched them as they passed through that area and walked into the main car-park , with the bold notice affording innocent trespassers the clearest warning :
21 Have you had a chance to play it at all ?
22 If Pindar in the Thirteenth Olympian meant anything at all by saying that the Muses breathed sweetly over Corinth , he was not referring to his own day but perhaps to that of the Corinthian Arion who invented the dithyramb .
23 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
24 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
25 Indeed , I may say it was not my wish to see you at all .
26 The vulgar Miller intrudes , and , with his fabliau and the nature of the genre and of fabliau language in mind , we can find some amusement in contemplating the possible sexual reading of " " unbokeled is the male " " , " the purse is unbuckled " , a vulgarity that the Host , playing the role given him at this point , would no doubt have considered excluded from his words .
27 Danger of choking stopped him at that point .
28 There were times when Eliot seemed uncertain or ill at ease , suddenly very much the " resident alien " — one has the impression , always , of a man invaded by inexplicable moods and anxieties which he did his best to conceal — and Hayward 's own dominating and very English manner afforded him at such times a certain amount of confidence .
29 The Inspector left it at that and as I was waiting expectantly for the interview to end , he said : ‘ Why does an educated man like you spend his time caddying ?
30 In other words , by the 1770s and after Berton 's reforms , debate had nothing at all to do with audible stick signals , but everything to do with the presence of a conducteur , communicating visually .
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