Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My Mum goes what have you been phoning Billy for ?
2 Honesty made her admit she had hoped , but it had been merely dreaming , nothing like this harsh reality .
3 The nations of Europe had become too proud , too self-aware to tolerate that , and gradually , with this kind of behaviour , a collective anti-German consciousness arose I think which , strangely , even today unites Russians , Poles , with people in the west of Europe and America .
4 So if you differentiate sine squared what do you get ?
5 Labour say they believe it 's unlikely the decision will be overturned in the Commons .
6 If a fault develops you know you can contact us 24 hours a day , 365 days a year … and we 'll get the problem fixed within 24 hours .
7 If at the beginning of a career in crime writing you feel you would like to try this most awkward of short climbs , good luck to you .
8 ‘ When the delegation arrives I want them brought here , ’ he said .
9 To this letter I received a reply dated I March which contained some of the most interesting remarks he ever communicated to me , and which is of permanent value in reflecting his opinions on much wider issues :
10 Alejandro tell me shoot her if pain get too bad .
11 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
12 the English Department hopes you enjoy your work in English in S1 and throughout the School .
13 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
14 The villanelle had become a triolet briefly , with Tim at TCT , before Bob at Binary had him rethink it as a rondeau .
15 So I got Peggy up from Somerset , on the same farm you see , and that was much better , and erm we 've been cycling to Stroud , to the pictures you know , 8 miles there and 8 miles back , and erm but the awful job he gave me to do for a few days was along , there was a young lad there and he was going to drive the old heavy fords and tractor and I was going to walk behind , and he 'd got converted horse drags I suppose they call them
16 A wave of panic made her fling her arms into the air and take a great leap out of the bed .
17 Defiance made her turn her back , but the sound of a dark laugh sent a chill through her and , jerking her head round , she saw his lips drawn back to reveal a dazzle of predatory teeth .
18 You must know the Japanese are making warlike noises at the USA , and Dutch Intelligence say they mean them . ’
19 A Salvation Army officer friend had arranged for Ann to spend a few days away from home to help her resolve her feelings about the crisis before starting to tackle the difficulties in her marriage .
20 She is now seeking a sponsor to help her reach her dream of a place in the 1996 Olympics .
21 He enjoyed it as the boy watched him sign his initials on the letter and then sprinkle sand on it .
22 ‘ It 's an absolutely instinctive reaction — if a child falls you pick it up , ’ she said .
23 To get the sledge ready you anchor it firmly ; this is vital because once you have attached your first dog he will start to tow and the whole shooting match will be long gone by the time you get back with your second dog .
24 One child suggests we give him a bath .
25 There was a harshness on his face as he moved towards her , a determination to make her tell him the answers he sought , and she looked away .
26 Everything he had done that had seemed at all kind had been part of a plan to make her face her past for his mother 's sake .
27 A Firstly , to help your hair to grow we recommend you use a professional treatment such as our Vivagen — this conditions the scalp and helps create a healthier growing environment for the hair .
28 One of Scotland 's most promising young Nordic skiers has won an award from the Highlands and Islands Development Board to help her pursue her career .
29 So when the job goes they feel their soul has gone with it .
30 It may take me a little longer but … ’ he smiled , and his confidence made her dislike him more than ever , ‘ I promise you I shall get there in the end . ’
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