Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The vulnerability of minor revenue officials to demotion or removal made it imperative for them to remain on good terms with men of influence able to mar their careers , and shortly after his clash with the provost of Inverkeithing Main made his peace with the Cunningham family .
2 The pope 's ardent desire for clarification and decision made it possible for judges to be used who were not always the bishops , in close contact with Rome , but abbots and other ecclesiastical officials .
3 On this plate was depicted a map of the heavens , and holes along the line of the ecliptic made it possible for a representation of the sun to be moved at intervals of a day or two in imitation of its annual motion .
4 The publishing explosion following the development of printing made it necessary for catalogues to give rather more detail : for instance , the edition and date of a book might now be more crucial to the reader , because there were so many variants .
5 The courts of law , they argued , are procedurally ill-equipped for this task since their formality , cost , speed , and complexity made them inaccessible to , or intimidating for , the ordinary citizen .
6 The straight forward design and short wheel base made it ideal for negotiating the sharp curves of the Welshpool line .
7 The latter measure made it worthwhile for the Americans to try and do what the British had failed at , making British films which would go down well in America .
8 Their long-lived presence made it possible for them to act as a kind of semi-permanent critique of newer cultural trends .
9 GLC funding made it possible for them to conduct a research project into the lives of young lesbians and gays .
10 Above : The rounded contours of the AquaWare Richmond suite make it perfect for period or adventurous homes
11 Novelty plays an important part in all of our lives yet there is always something of a balance to be struck between having so much novelty that life becomes unbearably unpredictable and wearing , and the opposite where sameness drives us mad with boredom .
12 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
13 While Nicholson 's experience made it easy for him to contemplate such preparations , the work of the Perkins at King David For indicated that it was unlikely that more than quart quantities of aniline could be prepared safely on the Kennington Road premises .
14 Their emphasis on the absolute centrality of heterosexual experience made it impossible for them to see that purity feminism had anything to offer , with its emphasis on celibacy , and its view of sex as male-defined , vicious and depraved .
15 Scotland opened promisingly but Benoit Bellot 's downwind , downfield punting made it difficult for the home side to sustain pressure .
16 , I mean a woman that frightened we all be seething inside and of course seeing him asleep in a drunken stupor to think now 's my chance , she must of been in a terrible state emotionally
17 The result of all this can be likened to a vast ocean , teeming with fish of which only one in a million is edible , and just as this would present a monstrous task to fishermen entrusted with the responsibility of feeding a hungry populace , so does the almost unbelievable quantity of religious teaching and literature by its very size and complexity make it impossible for it ever to serve a serious purpose in satisfying the undoubted universal desire for a respected and well-beloved religion .
18 The board found him guilty of ‘ verbally abusing ’ tournament director Ann Yates and ‘ intimidating ’ referee John Street .
19 In 1895 he was promoted back to the second class , but two years later , at the age of forty-five , a medical board found him unfit for duty ‘ due to chronic rheumatism and cracked feet ’ .
20 ‘ The sound of Scotland the Brave has me faint with fear , ’ said 60-year-old Lilly yesterday .
21 American Express found themselves responsible for hundreds of barking duffel bags .
22 Both were supposed to supervise appointments inside their ministry to exclude anyone capable of disloyalty to their brother .
23 The jury took four hours yesterday after a nine-day trial to find him guilty of five charges of indecent assault .
24 The buyer found it unsuitable for making into dresses .
25 The taxi driver scribbled something indecipherable upon the back of a Woodbine packet and handed it to Cornelius .
26 And Ma'am that shows you I think er the chairman has it open in front of you .
27 Gillian Murphy ( Mrs Seagrave ) has three young children and found that her career break made it difficult for her to get back into her chosen field of computer programming .
28 Where a child 's mental condition renders her competent on some days but irrational on others she will lack the ability to make an informed decision ( Re R ( a Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) ( 1991 ) The Times , 31 July ) .
29 The international action made me aware of the necessity for international co-operation in the fight for the fundamental rights of man and reassured me that human compassion is still alive in this world .
30 The close connection between politics and revenue patronage made it difficult for superiors to discipline officers who stepped out of line , and even when an officer was actually dismissed he could , and did , fight to secure his reinstatement by pulling political strings .
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