Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] if in " in BNC.

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1 His mouth twisted as if in self-mockery .
2 The priest nodded as if in understanding .
3 Twins figured largely in these latter compositions ; one twin quite normal — strong and healthy — the other twisted out of shape , the eyes white and blank , the mouth open as if in pain .
4 He showed me an underwater grotto , a light-shafted nave of pale-blue shadows , where the large wrasse floated as if in a trance .
5 Within this central chamber is the great catafalque of Drachenfels , with his mouldering body lying as if in state .
6 And they stabbed at him and caused his whole body to tremble as if in shame because , in a way , he knew she was right : his inadequacy to face his future was there for even himself to see ; he had considered volunteering in order to avoid the responsibility of making the choice either of going to University to read for a degree in English Literature or of just plumping for a teacher 's training college course .
7 A faked picture in the campaign newspaper showed the senator juxtaposed as if in intimate conversation with a former Communist Party leader , Earl Browder .
8 The offworlder shifted as if in embarrassment .
9 Grant glanced round to see the clipboards on the wall jingling as if in a breeze .
10 A string orchestra wailed as if in torment .
11 It was an existence conducted as if in poverty , but my adoptive parents could not actually have been poor ; still , it was ruled by insistences on not wasting , on eating everything up , on being grateful , on saving light and water .
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