Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Idiot ! ’ she laughed , her heart thudding at his compliments .
2 Perhaps , thought Juliet , her heart thudding against her ribs , perhaps if he helps me he thinks he might fall in love with me too .
3 She could hear her heart crashing in her ears .
4 Either way , this black man , his ringleted hair gleaming on his shoulders , was not Gentle .
5 I also ask you to monitor an any unilateral decision made by your employers and document any changes .
6 Hope retraced his steps and came up alongside a Mr Crump whose mind had been cleared and relaxed by the stimulating freedom given to his prejudices : his expression was no longer that of the tentative , diffident social and artistic explorer : he was a hard man in his office dealing with a captain whose cargo did not comply with his list of instructions .
7 Her heart thumping against her ribs , she tilted her chin , fighting a confusion of emotions , some of which she did n't dare examine too closely .
8 He spun round , his heart thumping against his ribs .
9 Just imagine going into a court of law to argue a case depending on its provisions .
10 He had n't shaved for a few days and a sickly smell clung to his clothes and hair .
11 ( f ) Indemnity Whilst it might readily be implied that where one partner 's breach of some provision in the partnership agreement leads to liability attaching to his co-partners the latter should have the right to an indemnity from their colleague , the better practice is to make that right express ( Clause 16.02 ) in the partnership agreement .
12 John Hasted , professor of physics at Birkbeck College , University of London , and an investigator of the paranormal , was very wary when told that Shaw and Edwards had been fakers ‘ It 's possible that it 's true , ’ he told New Scientist Asked about his conclusions from his own work he said ‘ I accept that there are , shall we say , pulses of paranormal action which take the form of mini-acoustical shock waves .
13 We provide informative Healthy Eating leaflets an nutrition labelling on our products so you can be better informed about what you eat .
14 Both the head and the educational psychologist stressed the positive value of Cedars and the likely problems for Balbinder if he stayed on at his present school , which they told her did not have the expertise to cope with his needs .
15 His reckless driving at speeds of more than eighty miles an hour led to their deaths in Swindon 's Akers Way .
16 Can the Minister assure the House that , if a general election goes against his wishes and people cross their ballot papers having been influenced by Labour propaganda , he will accept that result ?
17 The deck glowed between his feet .
18 He helped the protesting wizard climb until he was hanging upside down , robe tucked into his britches , Kring dangling from one hand .
19 The police driver asked for her documents but the woman explained , with a pleasant smile that they were at her home nearby .
20 Finniston pauses for an ironical chuckle as he recollects the weight of responsibility placed upon his shoulders at the time .
21 We can not do it for ourselves , it is gift and grace — God acting on and in us to create a new willingness to see with his eyes , think with his mind , adopt his values and attitudes ( 1 Cor.
22 The cover shot saw long-haired Best with the famous red United shirt hanging outside his shorts .
23 With his unbuttoned shirt hanging outside his trousers , and his bare feet thrust into his shoes , he clattered out and down the stairs , his socks clutched ridiculously in his hand .
24 A mean look crept into his eyes .
25 The clerk behind the hatch asked for their empties before she 'd hand over the new bottles but they had n't got them .
26 ‘ The emphasis is upon the need for the board to include among its members persons with the skills and experience required to assess the risk of early release .
27 Freed hair fluttered about her eyes in soft , damp lashes .
28 He lay back on the seat in the dark interior with the attaché case resting on his knees as the driver cranked up the engine .
29 The corset buyer got to her feet grimly and picked up the glass of drinking water in front of her .
30 This kind of response is based on the view that women are one of those ‘ minorities ’ ( sic ) who are disadvantaged and for whom the mission of adult education is to provide the wherewithal to cope with their misfortunes .
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