Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The two-bedroom cottage needs refurbishment but it is in a superb location , in the middle of woodland owned by the National Trust and overlooking the River Yealm .
2 ‘ Rule 2 : Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods and the seller is bound to do something to the goods , for the purpose of putting them into a deliverable state , the property does not pass until the thing is done , and the buyer has notice that it has been done . ’
3 ‘ Rule 3 : Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods in a deliverable state , but the seller is bound to weigh , measure , test or do some other act or thing with reference to the goods for the purpose of ascertaining the price , the property does not pass until the act or thing is done and the buyer has notice that it has been done . ’
4 One of the most disgusting traits exhibited by the liberal is his inability to smell shit when it 's under his nose .
5 Windowboxes and other containers often begin to run out of flower power towards the end of summer , but it is usually possible to give them a boost to sustain interest until it is time to plant them up for a spring display .
6 Labour made mistakes when it was in power during the 1970s .
7 In other words , whatever the applicant 's interest in the subject matter of the application may be , that interest not only determines whether the applicant has standing but it also dictates the nature and terms of the relief to which the applicant can expect .
8 Somewhere , across the green , a car changed gear as it moved towards Lulling , and hummed away into nothingness .
9 Sadly the ‘ Parracombe ’ failed in its gallant attempt to reach Malta when it struck a mine off Cap Bon .
10 One critic expressed fears that it might ‘ … become a new kind of legal aid on the cheap , ’ yet others were concerned lest it be thought that the green form was appropriate for anything other than low-cost proceedings .
11 The three AA batteries are said to give 40 hours of continues operation , with a Lithium cell providing back-up when it is turned off .
12 In terms of principle , the rule requires justification because it departs from the principle of correspondence ( see Chapter 5.2(a) ) , namely that the fault element in a crime should relate to the consequences prohibited by that crime .
13 Fella deserves Shochaiku if it 's gon na be his last drink . ’
14 The aircraft spent many years at Kaman helicopters as a wind making machine until it was recovered by the Marine Corps Museum in 1971 .
15 It reads the Touch key when it 's placed on the sensor and uses it as an encryption key to decode data as it 's read and to encode it as it 's written .
16 Surely he felt a modicum of frustration watching the black youth movie take shape until it looked like Juice was an afterthought to Boyz N The Hood .
17 They all spent time reassuring Fiona until the worst of the worry unwound from her body and I watched the movement of her silver-blond hair in the soft lights and made no attempt to throw doubts because it would have achieved nothing good .
18 In what sounds like computer industry heresy , Gupta Corp , Menlo Park told Reuter that it is looking to higher prices for its more advanced software products to help it achieve sharply higher earnings in 1993 : ‘ Our prices are going up as the functionality and performance of our software increases along with the functionality and performance of personal computer networks , ’ chief executive Umang Gupta said ; the company will introduce two new versions of its SQLWindows 4.0 software later this month ; the standard version at $2,000 , a more advanced one at $3,500 ; he says its only prices going down were for communications routing software .
19 But exploitation produces conflict and it is because of the conflict inherent in each stage of development that history is the unfolding of a drama in which we move from one kind of society to another and which ultimately leads to socialism .
20 The aim of treatment is not for a young child to lose weight as it would be in an adult , but to maintain their weight or make below normal weight gain ( Dietz 1984 ) .
21 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
22 Conversely , though , if this Committee instructed groups as it well could that it wanted regular updates on the pay position of this County , and he had to put someone to work on researching them , it would cost you what like that ?
23 Sun discovered Praxsys after it acquired the PC half of Interactive and picked up rights to it .
24 Praxsys is one of a handful of noticeably small start-ups wrestling with the key interoperability issue facing Unix as it elbows its way on to the desktop .
25 R.10 enables the Council to revoke recognition where it was granted as a result of error or fraud .
26 It is therefore very unlikely that the court would insist on an expert giving reasons where it had not been agreed beforehand that he would .
27 The reporter did not disclose specific details of their chat , but the disclosure prompted concern that it might have been more confidential matters which could have been overheard .
28 On the requirement to spend 85 per cent of the DSS transfer money on the independent sector , the committee expresses concern that it will discourage SSDs from using their own residential care .
29 Clearly , this is another aspect of the European playing field where it would be desirable for some levelling to take place …
30 Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour , criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized .
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