Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] over [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Because of the variable time between pulse labelling and biopsy , there will be a trend to higher crypt labelling subsequent on cell division over the longer time periods .
2 If that 's the case , then we could argue , an and will do , that now is a good time to borrow on a fixed term basis over a long period .
3 The results suggest that such policies have relatively little impact on investment demand over the longer term .
4 What we are clearly seeing in some areas is roughly the same group of people exploiting the same local landscape for their subsistence requirements over a long period , but with successive generations living on different sites at different times .
5 Their resale potential is , however , undermined by their standardized production , and , although they will probably hold their value better than most Indian , Chinese , Pakistani or Balkan items , they are unlikely to develop high investment potential over the longer term .
6 The study contributes towards a comprehensive view of the working of the labour market over a long period and of the sources of shocks disturbing the economy .
7 Simulation has been used to predict population changes over a long period of time and for charting space-satellite trajectories .
8 Unlike the 1991 Rugby World Cup , which took place over a whole month , not to mention the three months build-up , thereby allowing the sponsors to develop their marketing strategy over a long period of time , the World Sevens tournament is a three-day event , with the commercial potential of a ‘ Market blink ’ , as he puts it .
9 The study will also take into account the effects of aging , which may contribute to a decline in knowledge retention over a long period .
10 Greek Intelligence must have been taking a more than passing interest in the activities of our friend Andropulos over a long period , years I would think .
11 The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run .
12 Expectations of interest rate levels over the longer term .
13 ‘ For example , the lender can arrange loan repayments over a longer period , to help his customer through a difficult financial time and ensure that the loan is not written off ’ , reported Mr McKiernan .
14 To begin with , literacy in general was not , of course , independently invented in Greece , as Goody and Watt recognise : the form of literacy particular to Greece developed from the Semitic writing system over a long period of time .
15 Mrs Cochrane 's husband added : ‘ My wife had a depressive illness over a long period .
16 In the long run , most shareholders , which are institutions investing on our behalf , must take a long-term view because they invest for our pensions and life assurance policies over the long term .
17 To my knowledge , no class can hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising its hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses .
18 However , it is unlikely that Indian rugs in general will command a high resale value over the longer term .
19 Where the aim is to sustain cost leadership over the longer term , rather than to gain a short-term advantage through temporarily having , say , more modern equipment , one must look ahead over the life-cycle of the market ( however narrowly or broadly defined ) .
20 There is a further reason why it is difficult to restrain the growth of the money supply over the longer term .
21 It is difficult to control the growth of the money supply over the longer term without controlling the growth of the PSBR .
22 The only way that we could definitely ascertain the extent of the increase in recorded crime which is due to changes in reporting and/or recording practices would be if there were available victimization data over a long period .
23 What particularly touched me was that , practical as always and among the most financially-shrewd of men he said that perhaps he could be of material help over the longer tour .
24 On the other hand , in certain other areas of our bulk chemicals we have been very successful in maintaining a good margin business over a long period of time .
25 In these respects , there has been a general and continuing decline in prison conditions over a long period of time ( King and McDermott , 1999 ) .
26 This pattern is related to the growth in total leaf area over the long term .
27 The problem of consistency of measurement techniques over a long period of time will have to be faced and may not have a satisfactory solution .
28 Er fix their interest rates over a longer term period .
29 The demand for money is also influenced by expectations of price changes and the levels of interest rates over the longer term .
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