Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] they [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in .
2 Do n't try to counsel somebody and tell them how much income support they 're going to get .
3 talk you know there was the Notts County Council on the erm gully problems that we get in , is it possible to write to the County Council to ask them what sort of maintenance programme they 're going to give us now , as regards this cos I 've not seen this wagon going round so frequently as it used to .
4 from all over the pond until they made a long chorus croak croak croak they are saying .
5 IAN McCANN cruises the mean streets of Kingston to find out what a crap fist they 're making of the great man 's legacy , and to talk to some of those who helped make him the Third World 's finest musical ambassador .
6 So when they 're actually blood grouping they 're using human blood serum to er test which group you belong to .
7 Crippled by gunshot wounds they were rescued by British doctor Pauline Cutting and taken for treatment to Stoke Mandeville and the National Spinal Injuries Unit .
8 Night Goblins armed with prodders can also attack enemy models they are touching .
9 In their undergraduate years they are drilled in factual knowledge and scientific method , and rarely see patients outside hospital buildings .
10 When these wagons arrived in the Underframe Shop they were unloaded at the required points or areas by hand-operated overhead travelling cranes in the ancillary bays , adjacent to the main workshop area .
11 It 's got ta go on a steel pallet and yet next door in the export chiller they 're allowed to go on a wooden pallet and we work on wooden pallets erm
12 DELIGHTED car dealers in the North-East say they are poised to accelerate out of the recession after the Chancellor sent new prices tumbling .
13 When the need arises to review the search firms they are using or when there is a particularly sensitive issue , then which firm is contacted is clearly a very important issue .
14 The position of the UK forces in Saudi Arabia and in the Gulf area generally was that together with the armed forces of Kuwait and other coalition partners they were engaged in hostilities against Iraq under the authority of the UN Security Council ; Major specifically explained in Parliament on Jan. 28 that the UK was not in a state of war with Iraq .
15 Okay well there 's something we talk about a lot on the Action Line they 're called Fast Forward and they 're a training agency .
16 er my Lord simply directives under one art article one , eight , nine , erm I can , very simply say in relation to the Lloyds Act and to the bye laws they were adopted ten years after the directive , there ca n't therefore be an implementation , they , they , the the implementation is fully set out in the Insurance Companies Act nineteen eighty two and it quite clear now because the Secretary of S
17 We contacted patients for a preliminary interview to assess their history , and if they met the study criteria they were invited to join the study .
18 She told him about the new high-tensile fencing they were putting up , and the ten acres of daffodil bulbs they were planting as an experiment rather than consigning the field to set-aside .
19 So it was n't the bicycle people that , that the two , that they were laying in ambush for , must of been the car thieves they were laying in ambush for .
20 the bumper bundle of review samples they were sending has n't reached us in time for this issue , though , so look out next month for further toe-tappin' details !
21 In fact when LEAs increase the amount of inspection work they are required to carry out , this could well be one of the ways in which they are able to help schools move forward .
22 In the background the bleak , craggy , high Andes landscape of Potosi — the mining heartland they are abandoning .
23 Teesside Crown Court heard how Crook , 19 , and Davies , 21 , who both lived at the nine storey tower block , made a complete mess of the home improvements they were trying to do .
24 A strange finding was that the rate was the same for all the ‘ mixed ’ molecules , regardless of what ‘ unusual ’ oxygen isotope they were composed of .
25 They had held a site meeting on Thursday and he had turned up instead of the committee chairman they were expecting .
26 About six months earlier I 'd put my name down on the lists of three housing associations , because I was sick of the council houses they were giving me .
27 Olympic officials in the United States have warned athletes that a wonder drug they 're using to boost performances , could be lethal .
28 I was frantically doing this and I showed up at rehearsal thinking they were going to do all the songs , but we did n't do anything until two or three days later !
29 After the second escape attempt they were beaten again and flung into the blackness of stone-floored isolation cells in the nearby fort at An Dap .
30 Clearly it was n't Opal Fruits they were sharing .
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