Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] then [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 A short flight of three steps beyond the line of each truss and to the rear of each bedroom door then ascends to the floor level of each end-bay bedroom ( Fig 50 ) .
2 Mail for GWM , MAR and Support Services ( including Advise Shop ) is written into the incoming mail book then distributed to them ( see Guidelines E ) .
3 Lawyer D then suggested to her that changing the ownership of the house to a tenancy-in-common would enable her half to be secured for the children .
4 Mains had been born and bred in Dunedin and , especially in the days when the Evening Star newspaper folded , the rugby matters then tended to be faithfully recorded by the Otago Daily Times and other electronic media as if Otago was sometimes being unfairly treated by the teams and newspaper writers from the north .
5 If you want guaranteed matching between your screen image , your page printer proofs and the final imagesetter output then stick to a single standard — Adobe 's PostScript .
6 It was part of a wider agricultural system with sheep pastured on the rich meadow grass then walked to be folded on fallow arable areas overnight , where their dung helped to maintain fertility on the thin chalkland soils .
7 The effective pull-out torque then corresponds to the " crossover " point of the static torque/rotor position characteristics , as illustrated in Fig. 4.6 .
8 The deputy judge then referred to Mr. Morgan 's evidence and said :
9 The Marprelate press then moved to Fawsley , the Northamptonshire seat of Sir Richard Knightley [ q.v. ] , an enthusiast not entirely compos mentis whose affairs were in Carleton 's hands .
10 The Thannhauser Collection then spreads to a second level in the Monitor Building , where pastels and other works on paper by Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec will be shown .
11 The bricks and other plastic toys then need to be sorted and fitted back into their appropriate containers .
12 A solution of the Ernst equation ( 11.17 ) is then given by ( 12.56 ) where α is a constant and the functions and are obtained by integrating the equations ( 12.57 ) The boundary conditions then have to be applied .
13 Inner London and the inner areas of a number of industrial cities suffered first , but the loss of manufacturing jobs then spread to the outer areas of cities and to wider regions , such as the West Midlands and the North West , where these were based on manufacturing .
14 Attention on world money markets then switched to the next weakest currency — the pound .
15 If you thought that seeds and cuttings were the only way to increase your garden plants then turn to the Gardeners ' Manual for a host of practical ideas to try .
16 Dust particles then stick to these greasy carpet fibres , causing them to sag and fade in colour .
17 The community health services then came to be financed wholly by central government .
18 Initially delivered to the RAAF it was sold in 1946 to the Tasmanian Aero Club then passed to South Australia Aerial Spraying in 1954 as a crop duster .
19 Using a Lark 's Head knot for adjustment , the ring on this connecting bridle line then links to the flying line via a strong clip and another swivel .
20 Beth Shepherd set the two bags down on the kitchen table then went to the garden door and undid the top catch .
21 Pipe watched the race in a Wellington betting shop then returned to his car to hear the racecourse auction relayed on a phone from his son David .
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