Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [was/were] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond , the computer personnel were looking around in horror , some with hands over their ears as the screaming went on and on .
2 A decade later , submarine cable were carrying about 27 million words per annum , their most regular and demanding customer being the governments of the day .
3 As far as I was concerned , that merely represented a different path to the same goal and so on 22 June I told the House of Commons that rail electrification was going ahead .
4 Under the steam vents and the aluminium air shafts and the painted-over windows , kitchen porters were hosing out galvanised bins .
5 Regardless , a 12-minute delay before I had started and the pound signs were ringing up .
6 A pleasure boat was moving upriver , ropes of coloured lights strung on poles from prow to stern .
7 To find out what her research subjects were getting up to , this scientist took the direct approach .
8 We can explain this pattern if we remember that in the normal prose condition subjects were receiving both a syntactic and semantic context .
9 The we 're coming closer on the er figures for the er staff turnover and I believe that the four percent , which is easily achievable , on the thirty first of December nineteen ninety two the turnover savings were running just below four percent , alright we just cut some of the post out of today 's budget but I still think if we give the wrong messages to the officers er we 're in danger of spending money that we do n't need to .
10 The Northumbria police helicopter was also sent and firemen and ambulance crews were standing by .
11 An enemy flare was lighting up the sky at the other end of the village , probably over No. 6 Commando positions .
12 Although their relative debt levels were still comparatively low , with a typical debt service ratio of 23 per cent , and although their export revenues were increasing strongly , their scheduled interest payments were rising even more rapidly .
13 The relatives of the President elect were testing out their new roles at the victory party ; Senor Gaviria now has a clear mandate to continue the crackdown launched by the outgoing President .
14 Two burly ambulance attendants were pushing through .
15 Willow warblers were singing everywhere .
16 With my head turned sideways I could see out of the window and through the house to Willesden Sports Centre where a Sunday league football team was working out .
17 Such firms were likely to have particular characteristics : they were probably relatively labour-intensive , so labour was an important part of their costs ; or they might be located in an area where labour costs were rising particularly fast , or where labour availability was a problem .
18 The Puddephat business was exerting far too great a hold on her ; she must put her mind to all the business connected with the new academic year .
19 By contrast , the research studies were looking more broadly at the whole child care service , and seeing the remedies prescribed by previous reports on similar scandals spreading over the whole system , and informing a confrontational , antagonistic and defensive approach to work requiring a more collaborative and inclusive spirit .
20 Dexter had n't heard the tape Blanche was playing before .
21 A heavy , silver casket was swinging backwards and forwards and there was that smell in the air — a smell of old leaves and perfume and musty , clinging sweetness .
22 A short distance south of Trondheim we turned off down a side road to find a quiet spot for lunch , and in a grove of trees we saw redwing , fieldfare and chaffinch feeding young while siskin , blackcap , chiffchaff and willow warbler were singing all around us .
23 In the last decade of the century commercial insurance companies providing sickness and burial insurance were growing rapidly , especially among younger people .
24 Behind a police car , which was parked across the road to stop the traffic , an ambulance man was crouching over a body .
25 The fingerprint man was packing up .
26 But er this hundred and twenty pound radio was knocking away for a five quid in the end er I er I heard .
27 Er anyhow th th the , the eventual thing was maybe her blood pressure was going up higher than it should and maybe whether the cumulative stress of having a husband off in my state , maybe
28 The German mortaring had suddenly stopped and the Brigade Major was standing out in the open talking to an Officer when , just as suddenly , the mortars started up again , sending their bombs swishing through the trees and sending the Brigade Major diving for cover .
29 The Angers annals then cast a little , albeit crucial , light on events in the Loire valley in the reign of Anthemius , but it is not clear whose side Childeric was operating on .
30 That grievous bodily harm thing was coming up at a special court this morning , but that ought to be all wrapped up in half an hour .
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