Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb -s] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Milk board looks to options
2 Yachts anchor at Marina Grande where a cable car runs to Capri Town .
3 ‘ In the US , losses on Hurricane ‘ Andrew ’ have masked some encouraging signs of underlying improvement as successful rating action begins to impact on Commercial as well as Personal lines .
4 Your application for a further grant from our endowment funds comes to committee next month , as you know , and as I told you when you first mooted it , the chances are — well , chancy . ’
5 Now they have a few quid and the rent money goes to Leeds council anyway , they want to ‘ get shut ’
6 This is because , taking account of the reduction in the rate of ACT to 25% ( ignoring the transitional rate payable until 31 March 1994 ) , setting Newco 's losses against its surplus franked investment income equates to tax relief of £20 for each £100 of interest payable , whereas group relief is worth £33 .
7 The term groupware refers to products designed to provide teams of ( what may be widely dispersed ) PC users , termed workgroups , with an easy-to-use interactive way of communicating and sharing information .
8 Mr Roger Stott , a member of the industry team moves to Northern Ireland in a straight swop with Ms Mowlam .
9 Such a performance deserves recognition and that is exactly what the Tennis World fan club service offers to Michael 's fans … detailed , statistical information and quotes from the tournaments .
10 It can be seen that the inverse price/yield relationship applies to CDs , as all other financial instruments .
11 Having youngsters on the same site albeit seperated would only be an experiment say the Home Office , and the long term policy remains to phase out mixed prisons in any form .
12 All the wedding procession goes to church .
13 Madonna 's Blonde Ambition tour comes to Wembley Stadium July 10–22 .
14 At the start of the plateau a side road leads to Estanquinhos , a forestry station , from which a new road is slowly being built to Ginjas and São Vicente on the north side of the island .
15 Finally , Hazel McLeod 's mail recording reports to Andrew and Emily Brash 's Property Enquiries to Barry .
16 Prize money for this year 's five Texaco Trophy matches amounts to £29,525 .
17 Unless otherwise specified the term mudaliyar refers to officials with territorial jurisdiction .
18 I am sorry that local authorities throughout Wales , whose total debt on housing revenue account amounts to £1.1 billion , redeemed only £14 million of that debt last year .
19 It seems clear to us that all of the above criteria will be enhanced or negated by the way in which the change agent or the action system reacts to participation : what stereotypes do they have of client representatives ? do they believe in participation ? what expectations do they have of participation and client representatives ?
20 Published in 1969 , this purported to be a record of a major American crisis and of the ensuing Project Wildfire — ‘ the crash mobilisation of the nation 's highest scientific and medical resources when an unmanned research satellite returns to Earth mysteriously contaminated ’ .
21 ( f ) Indemnity Whilst it might readily be implied that where one partner 's breach of some provision in the partnership agreement leads to liability attaching to his co-partners the latter should have the right to an indemnity from their colleague , the better practice is to make that right express ( Clause 16.02 ) in the partnership agreement .
22 Gorgeous camp Sebastian goes to town , goes mad , keeps me laughing , lurid tongue , worldly-wise eyes :
23 Under a voidable contract ownership passes to B in the normal way but will pass back to A if and when the contract is later avoided .
24 It is then taken without question by organization participants that observance of these core values leads to success for themselves and ‘ the organization ’ .
25 According to the annual data on migration and population change provided by the National Health Service Central Register and mid-year population estimates , the re-opening of the North-South divide appears to date from the first half of the 1970s .
26 Thus although each receptor type responds to glutamate , some will respond to chemically similar molecules as well , others show different forms of specificity .
27 In the evening after a buffet-style meal washed down with free wine , Drago 's Starlight Bar comes to life with live music and cabaret entertainment .
28 Most of the advertising for our Specialist Gardens relates to Tourist Publications , this needs to be expanded in future to include more Tour Operator 's Guides .
29 If the properties were placed in the next lower band , F , the Council Tax reduces to £1,085 .
30 Equipment failure leads to prosecution
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