Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The same fate will await any terms which restrict the ex-employee 's future employment prospects to any great extent ; for example , a term which states that a computer programmer can not work for computer software companies in the United Kingdom for five years following the termination of his employment .
2 A careful rearrangement of field patterns may actually enhance the natural contours of the landscape and , although the indigenous wildlife may be seriously affected , the ‘ new agricultural landscapes ’ may be both functional and aesthetically pleasing .
3 Those words of Idris , ‘ Pas possible , ’ and his hangdog look would not leave me alone .
4 The observed left field advantage may therefore reflect not a " linguistic " process but a process of matching based on purely visual features of the letters to be compared .
5 He ignores the fact that tall girls would probably have feet of commensurate size : foot fetishists would not find size-seven brogues as attractive as court slippers several sizes smaller .
6 Since the distortion leads to a level of work that is lower than the socially efficient amount , cutting income taxes would also increase the amount of work done in the economy .
7 During the talks she emphasized the need for the European Communities ( EC ) to open up to Poland and the other countries of the Visegrad Three " Poland , Hungary and Czechoslovakia " and reiterated that a loan of ECU1,000 million to finance the Polish budget deficit would greatly help the country 's economy .
8 Talks broke down on April 22 over the allocation of government posts , although on April 11 it had appeared that a coalition could be formed when all parties agreed that the budget deficit should not exceed 5 per cent gross domestic product ( GDP ) .
9 Given that almost three-quarters of lone mothers are on income support this means that for the majority income will not change , regardless of how much maintenance is collected .
10 There is no small irony in this , as applications to purchase foreign technology in the first place will only be approved if the relevant Soviet machine building ministry can not produce something of the appropriate standard and quantity in the time required .
11 He was annoyed by the Transport 200 argument , saying a rail link would not remove the need for a bypass which would be used by 14,000 vehicles a day .
12 Moreover , pulling the foil tops off the spray containers can be very awkward with gloved hands , as many sprayer operators will ruefully admit .
13 It falls on the whole rheme or part of it ; for example , in John was appointed Chairman , the tonic accent will normally fall on Chairman :
14 Election experts could legitimately point to the fact that a system of proportional voting could have given a very different result .
15 Moreover , the single electron that orbits the nucleus of each hydrogen atom will also become equally attracted to neighbouring atoms , and so the atoms break up too , and the hydrogen will consist of a ‘ gas ’ of electrons moving among the hydrogen atom nuclei .
16 Those very few who do receive enough child support to ‘ float ’ them off income support may nevertheless lose financially because of the consequent loss of passported benefits such as free school meals .
17 I understand that the payments will be triggered automatically so that people on income support will not have to apply for them .
18 contribution will have been abolished , those on income support will still receive that extra money , which they started to receive two years ago ?
19 Even better , once the new council tax is introduced in April 1993 , people on income support should normally have nothing to pay .
20 The vision of bedsit freedom would soon turn sour .
21 In addition to filter feeding and photosynthesis , mushroom anemones can also absorb proteins and other food molecules directly from the water surrounding them .
22 Every computer user should seriously consider protecting their system with an uninterrupted power supply .
23 Available in a wide range of sizes , the uPVC framework will never rot or corrode and the conservatory is double glazed throughout .
24 For these , the board minutes could only record highly abbreviated abstracts .
25 An analogue watch user will just glance at the timepiece and say , ‘ … it 's about a quarter to five ’ .
26 The Peak Park Board can either take enforcement action or establish an effective management system .
27 And although Siegel 's results demonstrate convincingly that response strategies can indeed transfer from one discrimination to another , they can not show that such strategies are the sole source of the transfer effects seen in his experiment .
28 He suggested personal meanings , cultural roots , and the historical equation inevitably means that any true translation of the field experience can not avoid including a personal interpretation .
29 For her , restriction of activities to programmes of formal course provision could not satisfy the wider objectives of the WEA .
30 Without a stronger espousal of INSET practices , a greater knowledge of general education strategies in staff development and a clearer consensus about which arts teaching and curriculum strategies will best serve the interests of pupil 's education , arts education must continue to languish in its present marginalized position .
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