Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb mod] have give " in BNC.

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1 This 28-day programme should have given you the opportunity to come to terms with your body .
2 Your check list should have given you some words , but maybe not in different positions , so you may need to ask your language helper for some more words .
3 Hill farming demands very hard work for marginal returns and were it not for government subsidies for hill sheep and cattle , many hill farmers would have to give up .
4 The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously , but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all .
5 An independent share valuation would have given these shares a total value of about £50,000 .
6 It was precisely the advice April would have given her .
7 The Consul General would have given a great deal to stop this exchange going any further but he could hardly say anything without worsening the situation for himself .
8 The outcome in this patient suggests that the delay in diagnosis and hence starting effective antibiotic treatment may have given rise to the abnormality in both the humoral response and T cell function , which on this occasion may have contributed to the development of an associated extraintestinal lymphoma .
9 People are always asking why a particular village or farm is sited where it is and so , sooner or later , the landscape historian will have to give this question some consideration .
10 Presumably , the estate agent would have given him a lift somewhere .
11 During this time Mozart may have given some lessons to the young Beethoven , who was visiting Vienna for the first time .
12 The apparent inflexibility of the office schedules could have given the competitors an unnecessarily difficult task .
13 When royal forefathers were generically called Ptolemy , as was the dynastic custom , knowledge of family pedigree could have given the edge in court intrigue .
14 Three out of four of these accidents fix on the properties of individual men as decisive variables directing the course of events : had Churchill been a less charismatic politician Britain might have given up her fight against Germany ; had Franco permitted an assault on Gibraltar it would probably have fallen ; and if Mussolini had not ‘ taken it into his head ’ to invade Greece , Hitler would have moved into Russia .
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