Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [v-ing] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Gavin Turk , who attracted notice for erecting , as his only contribution to his degree show at the Royal College of Art a year ago , a blue English Heritage plaque announcing that he had been working in his studio for two years , is having a first exhibition at an apartment in Docklands , opposite Canary Wharf ( 1–31 July ; by appointment only , call 071–274 0041 ) .
2 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
3 A bail hearing later heard that Atcheson carried a UDA card stating that he was entitled to collect for Loyalists Prisoners ' Aid .
4 It is one of civil politeness with the inn keeper realising that he could not beat Turnour in a fight and so he is prepared to bend under Turnour 's will as shown by his ‘ almost ’ friendliness when telling Turnour about his house and his asking of when Turnour would like to eat .
5 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
6 A prisoner is on the roof of a top security jail protesting that he 's innocent of murder .
7 A prisoner is on the roof of a top security jail protesting that he 's innocent of murder .
8 In the meantime he has to go back to the town on further business , but first his horse needs shoeing , his cart needs repairing and he needs food and shelter .
9 IN HIS speech to the House of Commons debate on the Draft Appropriation No 2 ( Northern Ireland ) Order , in July , DUP leader , the Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed the appointment of Sir John Wheeler as NIO Security Minister adding that he hoped he would bring the benefit of his experience in prisons to bear .
10 With less than a month left before the 7 November election and opinion polls showing that he leads his Republican opponent , Congressman Jim Courter , by between 14 and 23 points , the race for governor of New Jersey is attracting intense national interest .
11 Then out of the blue he got a phone call asking if he was still interested in the car as it had to be sold to make space for the family .
12 Though the elder , oak leaves bristling as he faced Tallis , invited them to share the vessel to cross the wide lake , she shook her head .
13 Mr Lapointe defends the use of ivory money saying that he has managed to bring in funds from such sources at the direction of government members of CITES .
14 If a person writes a book or magazine article denying that he has committed any crime , are his words to be interpreted as his opinion regarding the crime ?
15 And last night it came to a head with Mr MacSharry privately blaming his interfering boss for his decision to stand down , and Commission sources confirming that he felt badly let down by M Delors .
16 The bloke from Bill & Ted 's ’ Excellent Adventure thingy ( not Keanu Reeves ) … staggers into our dressing room asking if he can use our potty .
17 Now he was standing back regarding them with the faintly anxious proprietorial air of a stallholder at a church bazaar wondering whether he has set out his wares to best advantage .
18 He 'd already registered as available for action , back home in Arkansas , but after a year in England , he wrote a letter to his local officer training corps explaining that he did n't want to fight after all .
19 Sir Peter Imbert , the Met Commissioner , has written to Met officers warning that he would take proceedings under the Official Secrets Act against police who break an internal discipline code which prohibits ‘ improper disclosure of information ’ .
20 ‘ Here now was a common ignorant Highland clown imagining that he could divert , as one does a child , — Dr Samuel Johnson !
21 The last Jess saw of him was his gaunt back with the coat skirts swinging as he disappeared down towards the quay .
22 John Kirwan has also changed his mind after he was heard on TVNZ after the World Cup saying that he was not prepared to play for New Zealand unless John Hart was nominated as coach .
23 On 11 February , he told the National Farmers Union that he had no intention of taking further steps unilaterally , but on 27 February he put out a press release saying that he did reserve the right to act unilaterally .
24 Derek Polson , a CCG storeman at KG Ethylene Offsite stores , showed he knows all there is to know about fork lift driving when he scored a perfect 100 per cent in his driving test — the first time a driver has achieved the maximum score at Hargreaves Training in Glasgow .
25 She could hear her three- year-old son Rufus laughing as he played on the swings nearby .
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