Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb past] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard 's mother sent a Christmas card and in the name of Catholic family unity Ellen invited her to stay .
2 The side letter advised her to take independent advice .
3 As she opened her mouth Polly remembered she had deliberately withheld the fact that she could n't sail .
4 During the assessment interview Margaret claimed she took the overdose intending to go to sleep and never wake up again .
5 Jack 's sister Lorraine said she knew that June had dated Don Rose around that time but no one could confirm that he was the father , or his secondary claim that he had married June before the baby was born ( he said they had separated quickly and she 'd later got a Mexican divorce , though apparently no papers are available to support his allegations ) .
6 She 's recently returned from Bolivia where an Arts Council grant enabled her to shoot the natives living in the foothills of the Andes .
7 She 's recently returned from Bolivia where an Arts council grant enabled her to shoot the natives living in the foothills of the Andes .
8 For one ghastly second Isabel thought she had spoken the words aloud .
9 Slowly Fernando turned and in that fearful second Ruth thought she had gone too far .
10 However , she realised the wisdom of his words , but hunger and the sound of the lunch bell caused her to discard all thoughts of a long soak , and instead of running a bath she stood beneath the soothing waters of a hot shower .
11 Of course , a bit later still Granny Tremayne said she 'd drowned and I thought : serve her right .
12 Unknown to them , she had been one of Tiller 's favourite leading ladies around 1906 , but when the work offers stopped she faced the same bleak future confronting all dancers who feel too old to dance .
13 ‘ That afternoon Lily said she wanted to marry me .
14 She 'd known he would follow Didi as soon as the ring was found and the American wanted him by her side , but still his words brought such pain that for a moment Luce thought she 'd moaned aloud .
15 One of the radio control room operators heard her screaming in uncontrollable agony over the airwaves .
16 But Jezrael walked unevenly yet unharmed , because the watchers in the jet and neon ghetto saw her dangling arm but they also saw her face and the ire in it was barely leashed .
17 For a moment Benny wished she had n't told the story in such detail .
18 These business obligations made her feel impatient and frustrated : she would have preferred to spend her time working m her cosmetics business .
19 By the afternoon Sea Rover was well up channel when the French customs cutter Vent D'Aval ordered her to stop .
20 After his death , members of the wine trade enabled her to become the first person outside the trade to study for and sit its examinations .
21 The shop assistant asked her to sign a receipt , telling her that this was because the cleaners took no responsibility for damage to beads and sequins on the dress .
22 A post morteum revealled she 'd died from a large fracture of the skull , soon after she 'd been born .
23 Always up with the pace , she responded instantly when Cash Asmussen asked her to repel the challenges of the favourite , Chimes Of Freedom , and Line Of Thunder .
24 The price tag made her wince .
25 For a minute Isabel thought she 'd said the words aloud , or that fitzAlan had .
26 Each night she wrote glowing tributes to him in her diary but love had turned to hate by August and diary entries showed she had decided to kill the object of her former devotion — and his manager .
27 When it rained , she thought nature was crying at her weakness , and when the midnight wind blew she thought nature was angry with her .
28 A phone test showed she tried to ring 999 , but died before the third nine .
29 A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound , which had severed the artery .
30 And when the Virgin Mary died she rose from the dead too ; not just her soul went up to heaven , but her body too . ’
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