Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb past] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 READING about how Princess Anne bossed her new husband around on their wedding day made me wonder whether it is time the rules of royal succession were changed .
2 When the heavy snow storms came I did some langlauf with Christian and Dominique Sarron and Adrien .
3 er on angiogenesis as an indicator of prognosis for invasive bladder cancer presented I believe by erm and representing er colleagues from Bristol , er Oxford and Sheffield .
4 It did not take me long because the big grin with which Yorkshire 's finest snooker player greeted me told its own story .
5 The underwear Max wanted me to wear could n't be more different from my own taste .
6 However , a more careful analysis of methods of work and recreation in the Easter vac helped me to overcome these problems and be more in charge of myself , rather than being tossed about at random .
7 got , got fair old rugby players interested I think .
8 This telephone call made me think back over the years .
9 In order to have my clothing coupons replaced I had to be vouched for by a responsible person , and Leslie 's uncle , who was a K.C. and Sheriff-Substitute of Fife and Kinross , kindly did this for me .
10 The geezer at the recruiting office told me to fuck off .
11 It was the day of parcel issues and as lunch time approached I tried to forget the future in the pleasure of the present .
12 Shit Phil did I turn the fire off ?
13 I guess at that point DEA assumed I had jumped the reservation and was feeding information to Pan Am .
14 This is not to say that everyone could name the book ( one chief adviser described it as ‘ the shiny red book which the drama adviser insisted I read ’ ) , nor in some instances was its actual existence known although its influence could be recognized .
15 Perhaps I 'm sounding cynical , but the sight of Diana reaching for Lady Spencer 's arm during the funeral service made me feel quite sick .
16 Like Lotus 1-2-3 and SuperCalc , Quattro Pro 's printer support is very good — although having to tell all these programs individually that I had an HP LaserJet IIIsi made me realize how easy it is telling Windows just the once for all your applications .
17 I had also had a very enjoyable weekend in Sheffield when the Salvation Army invited me to make an appearance .
18 ‘ Darlington Business Venture helped me put a package together and draw up a business plan which qualified for Enterprise Allowance . ’
19 MY HUSBAND Leslie taught me to play golf when I was about 20 .
20 ‘ Walked on the race course before breakfast the air balmy and very delightful , great numbers of the blue mountain parrots were making their morning meal on a large kind of the Eucalypti — two of the beautiful Nankeen night herons passed over our heads and we heard the curious note of the coul [ cowl ] bird or bald-headed friar — returned with an excellent appetite — drew all day — in the evening John called me to look at the skin of a snake more than six feet long which James shot in the act of ascending a tree — also brought me some beautiful specimens of a climbing plant bearing thick clusters of cream colour blossoms . ’
21 Her kind indulgence made me shrink a little .
22 This partially revived me after the £1,314 price tag made me feel faint .
23 The next day Errol called me to see how I was .
24 So everybody bar the PE teacher hated me playing football and everything they could do to stop me playing football they did .
25 In the second division in this day and age , I had to climb a wooden ladder , I had to go all the way to the very top of the main stand and there was a shed , and at the end of the match , surface water forced me to dry my socks off in the radiator in the dressing rooms afterwards .
26 Those fairy stories prompted me to read a couple of the latest guidebooks , one Welsh and one from the Lake District , plus a recent history of Lakeland rock climbing .
27 It was sheer self deception had me conned !
28 But when the immigration people came I got a letter , and they said that I could stay while they finished their inquiries .
29 Loud Clachaig Inn climber revellers woke me clambering up the stairs .
30 " Assistant Commissioner Seddon told me to expect you , " he said .
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