Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , Intergraph has translated the supplier entry screens on the purchase ledger so that the contact names and addresses are shown in the local address order and language .
2 But to go up that bit bit further than the other .
3 Thanks once again for a great magazine , I 've especially liked the toy patterns lately and the Iris Bishop specials .
4 However , the agency tool has been utilised by the CCA 1974 as a consumer protection measure so that the negotiator or dealer under a regulated consumer credit agreement ( see below ) is deemed , in certain circumstances , to be the agent for the financier ( CCA 1974 , s56 ) .
5 The project has not been immune from some of the criticism levelled at the 400 museum rebuilding or building projects underway since the State launched its new museum policy in 1981 , and the mayor of Nîmes defends himself against accusations of megalomania by saying , ‘ We were lagging culturally .
6 In the guitar plants , there 's an own-design computerised fret-insertion machine plus a robot which holds and twists guitar necks so that every part gets buffed equally — a job it can perform far more accurately than any luthier .
7 In the guitar plants , there 's an own-design computerised fret-insertion machine plus a robot which holds and twists guitar necks so that every part gets buffed equally — a job it can perform far more accurately than any luthier .
8 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
9 One obvious problem , with implications for any GIS input , is that the effects are highly localized , with little measurable field effect more than a few dozen metres away from the route centre-lines .
10 The treatment of hyperlipidaemia in the diabetic patient falls into three natural stages : ( 1 ) control of the diabetes by appropriate diet and oral agents or insulin if necessary ; ( 2 ) reassessment of the diet if hyperlipidaemia persists ; ( 3 ) drug therapy only when the diabetes and the diet are right .
11 Market forces are pushing their way into the whole arena of debt servicing and conditions of grant aid so that the international rhetoric is moving away from comprehensive Primary Health Care to ‘ cost recovery ’ .
12 The recession has hit the printing industry hard and the Media Union says it 's unlikely staff will be able to find a similar job .
13 I strode well away from the Land Rover but there were cockle shells everywhere and a few needle whelks , like minute unicorns ' horns less than half an inch long .
14 One of the many major problems for this idea is that Broca 's aphasics usually show better performance with content than with function words even when the task is reading aloud single words : the patient given tie , and , the and ant to read aloud might well succeed with tie and ant but not with and or the .
15 In the absence of environmental signals there has to be the unequal distribution of some factor at cell division so that the cells behave differently from one another .
16 Charles Maclaren used to run his fishing course there and a devoted band of anglers return each year to battle with salmon and sea-trout in Naver , Mallart and Loch Hope ; or to enjoy marvellous trout fishing in the lochs scattered throughout the hills .
17 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
18 He answers that first God should be loved with the humility and strength which makes all labour light so that no shame or anguish can destabilise the delight ( 111 – 12.99 – 137 ) .
19 But it differed from the earlier plan in its concentration on the inter-city and suburban commuter services for which there was high demand , and it was to be achieved with a falling labour force rather than an expanding one .
20 Running quickly downstairs , she was waiting in the black and white tiled entrance hall long before the doorbell rang .
21 In the few cases where the church plan diverges from the conventional arrangement by including only a single side aisle rather than the normal two , this volume , rather than the nave space , can be used to accommodate the dwellings access corridor , although it is noteworthy that in the conversion of St James 's Church , Farnham , Surrey , which is also described in this chapter , the optimum cross-sectional treatment of such an asymmetrical plan placed the longitudinal access corridor in the former nave space , the aisle projection being used to accommodate living-rooms .
22 Join top of Card A to bottom of card B so that the design is continuous
23 This set out a pattern of Soviet policy in Far East and South East Asia in terms of a Soviet policy which sought to weaken the ties between the colonies and the colonial powers through the encouragement of nationalism and by capitalizing on the discontent caused by long periods of ‘ colonial oppression ’ and by disrupting the colonial economies either by armed action or by labour disorders so that the metropolitan powers would be deprived of revenue and resources .
24 I have fitted an SDI car engine perfectly but the clutch will not disengage .
25 Always the man of action type rather than the deep thinker , he is a captain who leads by example ; if he showed himself rather insensitive to the needs of his bowlers , he showed his batsmen just what to do .
26 It is a maintenance plan rather than a change plan .
27 For what it may be worth , if I am wrong in my application of the neighbourhood test so that the disturbance has to be judged by pre-planning permission standards , I would have found that the heavy goods vehicles going to and from each of the fourth and fifth defendant 's operations constituted a material disturbance to the residents at night .
28 Gwynne suggests that this aspect has been neglected by researchers , who have concentrated on street pedlars and garbage pickers rather than the small-scale manufacturing sector , which does have the potential for growth ( Gwynne 1985 ) .
29 It was a large room , with a polished wooden floor , discreetly islanded with subtly expensive rugs : a sherry-sipping living room rather than a soft-shoe shuffle dance floor .
30 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
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