Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The research fellow will use university archival material as well as interviews with both active and retired academic engineers .
2 This regretfully brought to an abrupt end his continuing work for the Building Employers Confederation as well as destroying a lifetime 's work in building up a family company .
3 Remember that you will have been out enjoying yourself and you will still have made that lovely garter stitch sweater as well .
4 A recent study of the use of a printed PRECIS ( PREserved Context Indexing System ) index for subject searching reveals that searchers who adopted a broad search formulation strategy where more successful than those who took an exact matching approach in accessing the index .
5 So er that 's how people deliberately give themselves carbon monoxide poisoning although perhaps without realizing it .
6 Since this is a fun , letting-your-hair-down sort of show , there is also a trampoline , a rocking horse , a model , pedal-powered and car battery-operated train as well as rides on Muffin the Mule for which you need only a 5p token that can be purchased , by the bucketful downstairs .
7 The plaster on the affected wall disintegrated , and black marks showed through the living room wallpaper as well , which revealed a slimy mess when peeled back .
8 Both samples and standard were individually counted in a high resolution bulk sample counter as previously described .
9 Samples were counted in a high resolution bulk sample counter as previously described .
10 What is important is to be aware of the normal condition of your fish to as to detect any problem immediately , and to check , and if necessary remedy water quality as soon as any trouble is spotted .
11 There were more enemy guns firing than before .
12 They had n't thought about that do you know , I reckon that Sister Josephine erm behind all this , she wanted that hall and she and Father used to talk about this you see they want to extend the church back and do away with the car parking area as well , oh that 's alright , but erm sort of ca n't see any point in it , I mean congregations are going down , they 're not increasing , the church is big enough for what is necessary I would of thought would n't you ?
13 De Niro , in his funniest performance since Rupert King Of Comedy Pupkin plays a small-time New York lawyer keen to be someone , to make his mark by taking on the local crime boss/boxing promoter as well as tangling with the local barman 's wife played by Cape Fear co star Jessica Lange .
14 This was to support your long term development work as well as emergency and disaster relief .
15 Fifty yards out he stopped and trod water while getting his breath and watched the patrol boat drop anchor while still two hundred yards out .
16 Thus began what developed into a full Department of Ballet at the university , offering , from 1941 , a three-year certificate course for which pupils were required to attend lectures , read widely and study music appreciation as well as their dance classes .
17 South east very much consistent with past orders and with expectations of orders both total and export , so in this case it 's sort of the export total story as well as the domestic demand story helping the region .
18 There are about 300 fiches which include the NACAB information system as well as six of the 15 reference books that are normally part of the bureau system .
19 This Bulletin will be paper-based initially , but should go on to an e-mail bulletin board as soon as this is available .
20 The new company , which will be called Quayle Munro Holdings , will seek a full stock market listing as soon as the transaction is completed .
21 By lunchtime the tongues were really wagging and talk of LBOs , MBOs , an imminent sale of the management consultancy business as well as a bid featuring Bob Jacobi , formerly head of Ted Bates ( the US advertising agency Saatchi took over after a bitter battle three years ago ) were all fuelling the share price .
22 Although saturation kinetics for glucose absorption from human jejunum have been shown suggesting that there is only active glucose transport , there is other evidence suggesting the participation of passibe glucose absorption as well .
23 Erm so that 's true , that if they give you the house , it is , it is an inheritance tax problem as well .
24 In this spirit I joined the Abortion Law Reform Association while still at school ; this was just before the passage of the 1967 Abortion Act .
25 If you want to contact someone you get their home phone number as well as the office , and you can call any time .
26 It seems to be only a matter of time before sufficient urification is achieved routinely to permit the full range of diagnosis based on the polymerase chain reaction as above .
27 In that regard , the United Nations surely has a peace enforcement role as well as a peace-keeping role .
28 Tandem 's move reinforces current thinking which sees microkernel system software as very much an up and coming trend across the industry .
29 We have tried to present both sides of the hunting and shooting debate , and will be publishing the results of last month 's field sports questionnaire as soon as they are analysed .
30 That silver had helped to finance the fleet which won the battle of Salamis , but it was important under the empire too : the building accounts of the Propylaia , the ceremonial gateway to the Acropolis , dated 434/3 , record payments from the treasurers of a Laurion silver mine as well as from the Hellenotamiai , the treasurers of the Delian League ( ML 60 — Fornara 118B ) .
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