Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 To view either part the variable component drawing file is accessed , which in turn regenerates the base component file to present the whole part .
2 Thus , paradoxically , changes introduced ostensibly in the interests of rationalizing field officer activity are condemned as irrelevant and unnecessary attacks upon field level autonomy impairing the very efficiency the agency seeks to foster .
3 The handicapper has given both of them 10st , with last year 's winner Waterloo Boy heading the weights on 12st .
4 A strip chart recorder duplicates the reading of the computer and forms a permanent record .
5 Fuel : the cartridge attachment method means the burner unit may only be used with the Camping Gaz 470 propane/butane mix gas cartridge .
6 At a celebration dinner last night to mark the achievements of the century-long partnership between Essex County Council and Essex colleges , LEA chairman Ian Abbey toasted the future.He would have liked to see the LEA retain a greater input in further education , he said , but he wished the colleges to go forward in a spirit of goodwill .
7 But they say methods such as plea bargaining help to stop the courts becoming congested .
8 There are far more prescriptions than ever before for which people no longer pay , and those who find themselves marginally above income support level have the option of acquiring a season ticket precisely to meet that problem .
9 Nineteen members of the University Lecturers Association picketed the School of Food and Consumer Studies at Robert Gordon University , where Mrs Falconer has been subjected to a redundancy dilemma .
10 PRESIDENTS past and present of the Building Employers Confederation celebrated the Liverpool region 's 125th anniversary yesterday .
11 Course winner Zalon looks the best bet at Sandown with trainer John Gosden 's horses in top form and there is likely to be some heavy money this morning for Farat in the following race .
12 Coupling the laser to the ICP mass spectrometer offers the exciting prospect of obtaining much greater information on the composition of fluid inclusions .
13 So large is the complex that the high performance pvc roof membrane covering the retail and storage areas , which is masked from general view by the use of a reconstituted Cumbrian slate mansard roof , is actually the size of a football pitch .
14 The field ambulance minibus ran the boys down into town , and brought them back to camp in hourly shuttles until 0300 hours .
15 The government 's Building Research Establishment did the development work , and some 5000 are already fitted in homes .
16 ‘ They may be in the radar demonstration room learning the art of manipulating radar devices which surely must be beyond the comprehension of all but the bespectacled gentry who invented them , or maybe they , too , are learning something of ‘ behaviour at height ’ and the ‘ ways of jetstreams ’ .
17 Dropped from the bill was the proposal presented on Oct. 31 by Democrats Les Aspin ( Wisconsin ) and Sam Nunn ( Georgia ) , respective chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees , to divert $1,000 million from the Defence Department budget to help the Soviet Union combat hunger and demilitarize its economy .
18 Taken out by the vendor for the benefit of the purchaser , Luck Penny cover compensates the buyer if any of the insured sheep die within the selected cover period — usually three months .
19 This project will use data on the incomes and demographic characteristics of lone parents from the Luxembourg Income Study database to compare the position of lone parents in the UK ( 1986 ) with lone parents in : Australia ( 1986 ) , Canada ( 1987 ) , France ( 1984 ) , Germany ( 1984 ) , Italy ( 1986 ) , Luxembourg ( 1985 ) , the Netherlands ( 1987 ) , Sweden ( 1987 ) , and the United States ( 1985 ) .
20 The ruins of Hellot Scales Barn mark the beginning of Ease Gill and the rise of Leck Beck , where all the waters that drain beneath Leck Fell resurge .
21 I am one of those who believe that the revenue support grant makes the Schleswig-Holstein question a model of clarity .
22 I have to make decisions every second about when I leave the rhythm guitar part to play the melody and how I balance between switching the pickup selection , reach over , mute the strings and play .
23 The Ti'Ko Computer Corporation sees the 386 computer as a thing of the past
24 In adopting a broad search formulation strategy to access the library catalogue , the searcher not only attempts to " match " the system 's language but also places his expressed need in a broader context .
25 In Grampian difficulties with the GPass computer system delayed the development of fundholding , and these problems are still being overcome .
26 A combination of high blood pressure and raised blood cholesterol concentration increases the risk fourfold , add smoking to that and the risk becomes eightfold .
27 Finally , draught-proof the point where the sashes meet by pinning on a length of plastic or metal spring strip excluder to cover the gap .
28 All of the rest of the day to day gubbins is front mounted — the control panel and a large font cartridge slot complete the picture here , while the power on/off switch is neatly recessed towards the rear on the left hand side .
29 But the organisation may be in dire need of the fee following Oki Data Electric Industry Co decision to leave the X/Open consortium over Christmas .
30 It did n't occur to the purchaser of the pure cotton Live Aid souvenir tee-shirt to ponder the fact that the Sudan provides a huge amount of the raw cotton demanded by the cheap tee-shirt industry , yet millions of Sudanese citizens have never had a square meal in their lives .
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