Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] that have to " in BNC.

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1 It is only its subsequent accounting reference periods that have to be of 12 months duration beginning immediately after the end of the previous accounting reference period and ending on the accounting reference date .
2 But access outside their own particular areas was only achieved by those issued with special access cards that had to be signed by one of the guards .
3 Even the agitations of the women 's movement would have warranted little more than a raised eyebrow from a lass in a Salvation Army bonnet that had to be strong enough to protect the head of the wearer from brick bats and other missiles .
4 ( For the same effect on the earlier models , it 's the RIGHT hand light that has to be on . )
5 She seemed slightly awed by the size of the building , by the large white-columned portico and the four stone steps that had to be climbed to reach it , by the cleaned and refaced brickwork and the elegant white shutters on the windows .
6 The result is an inflation rate double that of the other large OECD economies , and interest rates that have to be kept higher than they otherwise would be — because moneymen , on the whole , are not the most trusting ( read gullible ) of types .
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