Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] have [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK , the most notable defection from an international company to set up an independent search business has been that by David Norman and Miles Broadbent , who were both previous Mds of Russell Reynolds in London , and who took with them other colleagues to found Norman Broadbent .
2 Her last waking thought had been that she was wrong , and that Ace had been right all the time .
3 This document accepts that the traditional trade union approach to employee representation has been that the single channel for th for the representation should be through trade union membership now just listen to this colleagues .
4 ‘ The whole Virgin approach had been that you simply do n't fire people . ’
5 The legal arrangements for unification were contained in a second state treaty ( the first state treaty having been that providing for economic and monetary union — see pp. 37466-67 ) .
6 The government view has been that the way towards prosperity is for the state to do less and so leave room for the private sector to expand .
7 One of the major criticisms of the battery cage has been that it is so small that the hens have no room to move or to perform their natural behaviour patterns .
8 During the first government of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson , one of whose election slogans had been that he was going to introduce a white hot technological revolution , AEA was empowered by act of Parliament to undertaken R&D on non-nuclear topics .
9 One of the main barriers between the development of general purpose systems has been that few existing systems can be re-used .
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