Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [unc] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , in this particular case the justices were hearing this application on 27 January 1992 against the background which included the making of a full care order on 15 May 1991 , an order which , as I have already indicated , was made after hearing submissions by the guardian ad litem and by the local authority which might seem to be in marked distinction to the submissions being made now , only a few months later .
3 There are sort of costs in that respect that that come out of this erm business report er and on the late sides erm we would actually support the motion that 's been moved by er Charles and Jane but there is a policy of response and that does n't mean to say that they will accept all of it but there may be some good elements er er within it but we need to actually refer it .
4 One said it was pointless to put him on a waiting list , but letters from a grain merchant 's and from Littlewood 's Pools promised to file his application and interview him when he returned home .
5 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
6 Erm if you wish to proceed with this proposal , I would suggest perhaps that erm it is n't uncertainty of responsibility but perhaps the extent of responsibilities and powers of the various agencies which need to be clarified and I , it is , it is pro probably that area which erm will be addressed by er th the analysis which takes place erm after the immediate problems are behind us er but certainly the implications for the Strategic Planning Committee erm and for , perhaps for local planning or something which erm the Chief Officers could be asked to report back to this Committee .
7 What we find is that sometimes people have taken out policies some years ago and they 've actually forgotten what their money 's doing for them so erm that 's another side of it and also to introduce our new financial planning service erm and in doing so we may be able to highlight areas in which we could save you money er for example erm saving you money on tax or increasing your income either now or some time in the future .
8 So the company had supplied ear defenders , they wanted their work force to use those ear defenders erm but in fact there was very little use of them .
9 Er so it is a different role than the A fifty nine , it is a different er competing routes if you like , but nevertheless it 's still a key er l strategic link in the County Council 's or in the North Yorkshire 's highway network and has been identified as such , both in the structure plan er and also in er the transport policies and program document which is reviewed annually by the County Council .
10 Returning to our work Sid and I became more and more closely connected with Radio Station 1OAB and during the Annual General Meeting of the association that year I was appointed Programme Director .
11 Yes Chairman , the figure of a hundred thousand as we said did , was erm a figure quoted on by account chief 's executive of the purchasing consortium erm , that was spoken at a public meeting held here in Harlow last week erm the issue of the the transport around the area erm , was accepted by the the chief executive of the health authority erm or of that of the consortium erm , and the and the view that it would be much more difficult with the lack of public transport to get to the more relo , remote areas of Essex the the reason that the erm reduced use of London was put into this report was also erm , clearly stated by the chief executive , i it 's their clear aim to provide more of , to purchase more of the services from within the north Essex area , and that was stated in a major part of the conta , of of their erm achievements and that automatically means a reduced amount of choice for those people who would otherwise for , to London .
12 Well now I 've been clearing my mind on the role of the Chief Constable a and of the Police Committee .
13 and that obviously affects the kinds of problems they have with regard to income , benefits , debt problems erm and with regards the kind of things they come in to see us about , things like single payments f for things .
14 The pound has been very strong recently , particularly in the United States , where they 've got a weak dollar , and we have to put over the message that there are tremendous deals to be had erm both in air fares and when you get here in terms of hotel rates erm and in terms of prices of food and so forth .
15 s he did n't remain in the parking in the driving seat er and in fact that that 's because one of the lads was er a keen photographer and er So that 's actually how it did go .
16 He would have been quite happy to have been employed as a production manager an or as an assistant director of which he was first class but the work did not come his way .
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