Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [be] then [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually entitlement to unemployment benefit ceases and means-tested income support is then the only alternative .
2 The efficiency of the separation process is then a function of the dependence of the retention ( or elution ) volume V R on the molar mass M , and a reliable relationship between the two parameters must be established .
3 The movement of the solvent reservoir is then a measure of the osmotic pressure of the solution .
4 The basic instruction unit is then the syllable ( of perhaps 6 or 8 bits ) , instead of the word .
5 I had been granted a State Studentship enabling me to undertake postgraduate study for an M.A. ( The London University M.A. was then a research degree . )
6 The overall solubility parameter is then the sum of the various contributions
7 Hodgson Holdings was then the biggest quoted funeral director in Britain , handling one in every twenty funerals nationwide , although the Co-op is still the biggest throughout the British Isles , doing about twenty-five per cent of all funerals .
8 Comprehension in the sense of understanding sentences is then a semantic matter of deciphering symbolic meanings .
9 The majority voting equilibrium is then the public goods quantity demanded by the person with median income , and — if tastes are unchanged — we should expect the level of spending to vary with median income .
10 Net investment in year t is then a constant proportion of the change in output during that year .
11 If the load torque is then the torque on the motor is modified to 7L/N assuming that friction torque effects in the gear are small relative to the load torque .
12 This shows that the flux J is then a net result of the sedimentation rate and the back diffusion of the molecules .
13 According to Bueche the polymer molecule may drag along several others during flow and the energy dissipation is then a combination of the friction between the chain plus those which are entangled and the neighbouring chains as they slip past each other .
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