Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] she have " in BNC.

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1 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
2 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
3 He says that to me and then he turns round and says that they were all taking the piss out of Gemma because she 's got thunder thighs and she has n't , that 's the whole point !
4 St Ebba 's , the maternity hospital , was a good way farther down North River Street from Hilderbridge General , but there had been no room left in St Ebba 's car park and she had used the car park of the rambling , foinstone , turreted building that had once been the Three Towns workhouse .
5 Then she had made her way swiftly across the hotel lobby and out into the car park where she 'd left her little Mini .
6 She walked up the path and leant wearily against the wall while she dug in her bag for her key , then groaned when she remembered that it was still lying on the floor of the car park where she had dropped it .
7 Her handbag had fallen behind the car seat when she 'd stopped at the traffic lights in town so several minutes were lost as she scrabbled for her pass , then when she drove into the car park she could n't immediately find a space and had to drive round several times .
8 He turned back to the little beggar girl but she had disappeared .
9 Josie said from the doorway , and so Lucy explained about her earlier interview and the ring binder that she 'd seen .
10 I tidy and vacuum the sitting room after she 's gone to bed — I do n't see any point in doing it in the morning because it 'll only get messed up again .
11 Back in the main sitting room where she had been at first she was introduced to Antonietta 's husband Gennaro who was the head of the household .
12 She leaned against the cabin-top , thinking that it was no wonder Lucenzo had been ready to burst a blood vessel when she 'd tried the mask on !
13 ‘ He said he thought his mummy had been having car trouble because she had n't turned up .
14 ‘ I 'd better not waste any more time , ’ she added , pushing the door open and going through , finding herself at an entrance to the dock area that she had seen from Froebe 's office .
15 Oh yes when the war started yes , you , you see the people would have been called up into the forces anyway people young enough to fly , who , who had an interest , because er one of the air displays I remember very much a tomboy as she was she they used to give pleasure flights and she had defied this pilot to take her up and make her sick , and he was took her up there looping rolling and everything and er
16 This is her first season with Senior League side Portadown and she has already established a regular place on the firsts , developing at the same time into one of the most promising players in the country .
17 1pm : Home to Mrs Fishfinger 's sumptuous lunch , not in the least spoiled by al fresco picnic off the Fishouse Floor where she 's left it .
18 That must be disturbing him greatly ; for , after all , though the Rabbi was not her blood relation and she had known him only since her marriage , even for her it was an intolerable wrench .
19 When neighbours tried to visit , she had Jennifer send them away , and when they said Mr Drew might be coming down to call on her , she became very agitated because the last thing she wanted was a turncoat parson at her deathbed , and she was so afraid that he might confiscate her silver Madonna that she had Jennifer take it from her neck and put round her own .
20 Funny thing is , Madge Allsop is covered in stretch marks and she 's never had a kiddie .
21 She had almost dropped the frying pan when she 'd heard that .
22 Scarlet had thrown away all her old aluminium pans since she had learned that they might cause Alzheimer 's disease , and she never used tap water for cooking for the same reason .
23 She had very nearly done a cordon bleu cookery course after she had left school , only deciding at the last minute to reinvest her time and money in the boutique instead .
24 I mean we 've tried to write down everything she does but it 's so varied I mean , telephone calls and she has to do telephone calls .
25 Then , turning , she made way for him to enter , and went immediately to the window seat where she had been sitting wrapped in her duvet when Peter had disturbed her .
26 On the positive side , Chris Algar , who described her busy life as a systems engineer in last September 's Medau News has joined the Teachers ' Training Course and at the Step-up and Dance Studio in Leeds Jean Gill made a great impression with an introductory Medau session that she had been invited to reach .
27 Loops of wiring and cable ran overhead , loosely tacked at intervals to the unpainted ceiling ; it was the kind of Who cares , no-one 'll see it protocol that had applied behind the scenes in the shopping mall where she 'd landed her first Saturday job .
28 The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality .
29 In 1975 she had had to give up her job as a council clerkess as she had contracted asbestos-related pleurisy and pleural thickening .
30 By a notice of appeal dated 29 November 1991 the debtor appealed on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction to make the bankruptcy order because she had not carried on business in England or Wales within three years prior to the presentation of the petition .
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