Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
2 its , it , the other truck drivers and I have to say that erm to a certain extent you do need to be forceful and positive because er they need a lot of space to manoeuvre on the road and a lot of people who drive cars do n't quite realize how much space they need and if they wo n't give you the space you have to take it .
3 Lot a hundred and twenty six snuff box there it is now showing in a painted tin case and I have five hundred offered for this five hundred and fifty , six hundred six fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred eight hundred pounds , any more ?
4 I 'm usually quite abstemious during daylight hours if I have any driving to do .
5 Nowhere is this more so than in the sub-division of crime fiction that I have labelled the " crime novel " .
6 She 's still in regular contact with Sub-lieutenant Bacci and I have every hope that he 'll gain her confidence . ‘
7 This has ruined my sitting room and I have been onto the council about it but they have done nothing . ’
8 Over the years I have had all sorts of lighter weight machines and I have gradually replaced them with either Wadkin or Robinson versions .
9 Unless there are more anti-Loraine Crescent closure petitions than I have been led to believe , the one I think Mr Howe refers to was rendered dubious .
10 Unless there are more anti-Loraine Crescent closure petitions than I have been led to believe , the one I think Mr Howe refers to was rendered dubious .
11 The does were retained in hessian sacks and I have known some to bite a hole in the sack and escape .
12 ‘ In fact my girlfriend Claudia and I have talked about marriage and I do n't see why we should n't wed sometime although we have not set a date .
13 There is so little to choose between these four locator systems that I have no fixed preference and would not recommend you to buy one rather than any other .
14 As I do not really wish to purchase a new knitting machine until I have a ‘ practise ’ run I was really pleased , that was until I found out it was no longer available .
15 ‘ In Nigeria I only knew of Guinness as the stout and Harp lager so I have been surprised by the diversity of the company , ’ reflects .
16 But you 've changed your pillow case and I have n't , I 've really got to remember to bring a pillow with me .
17 Mowbray said : ‘ Every player wants to play for his home club and I have great memories of my Boro days .
18 In the past week I have seen an exhibition of photographs by Lewis Morley — billed as ‘ Photographer of the Sixties ’ — at the National Portrait Gallery and I have reviewed elsewhere Paparazzo ! , a collection of pavement snaps , taken during the Thatcher years , more or less , by someone called Richard Young .
19 I , I 'm a general practitioner and I would like to back up initially what the convenor has said about the study pack that has come on child abuse but I have a question .
20 Now I listen to there , I do n't listen as often now unless there 's something big on , and you hear them , you know , check on , whatever it is , your vehicle check and I have seen them as little as five seconds coming back and saying who owns that car
21 Then I have a tuning pedal and I have another pedal just for one song — a dynamic filter .
22 The government feels it can rely on er auditors to protect the interests of share holders and the creditors and the other stake holders but I have to tell the minister that that reliance which is now er strengthened by the regulations b by the er the order today has always proved er inadequate in the er in in the past er because poor auditing practices always get covered up , there 's no way for anybody to know how bad or how good er the audit is as long as a company er survives and we have n't developed in this country , the proper institutional framework to regulate auditors er effectively and to actually make them er er accountable .
23 I know a fair amount about how the machine works and I have made myself slow up when it comes to finishing off ( I have to be very careful to inspect all seams , knowing my friend 's beady eye will be on the work ! ) .
24 The guitar was described as a 1967 Fender Strat but I have since discovered that it was made in 1974 and that I therefore paid about £250 over the asking price .
25 To illustrate the vastness of the choice , here is a poem from South America that I have come across and which seems to haunt me .
26 Such discussions with the Home Office that I have had on the question have made it clear that when their guidelines to the police are finally formulated the limited use of investigative hypnosis will be exclusively in the hands of trained and independent professionals such as clinical psychologists .
27 To walk into a pub function room as I have often done during the ten years I was collecting fieldnotes and see two or three hundred detectives in their ‘ uniform ’ of modern suit and tie , neat haircut , and the fashionable moustache of the times , is to be visibly reminded that there is a narrow symbolic range of bodily correctness within which all policemen can properly operate .
28 Erm I have as I say one other if you like self-employed business opportunity that I have been pursuing erm which erm I shall know after Tuesday of next week .
29 ( Technically I should have Norris 's solo room because I 've been in the flat longest , but that room 's small and noisy ; also , Gav does n't snore and he 's quite happy to retreat to the living room couch if I have female company …
30 ‘ I ca n't afford not to work , not with the whacking mortgage repayment Sebastian and I have to find every month , ’ she confided .
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