Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [conj] even an " in BNC.

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1 Version 6.20 of Logitech 's versatile MouseMan driver software is supplied and this offers various utilities like programmable mouse buttons , Windows pointer customisation and even an option for the pointer to temporarily grow as it moves .
2 A hawfinch has such a powerful bill that with straightforward muscle power it can crack a cherry stone or even an olive pit .
3 ‘ Once in the VAT field it must however be appreciated that a business could go over the 7,200 threshold , as a result of increased business activity or even an increase in the rate of VAT .
4 The villa is furnished throughout with original brick or tile floors , rafted ceilings , elegantly simple and simply elegant antique items , metal bedsteads and even an exquisite little private chapel .
5 Modern technology has seen to that , giving them a machine to make their early morning tea and even an electronic handset to save them having to get out of their chairs in the evening to change the television channel .
6 But at the meeting 's close there was no mention of a formal constitution , policy statement or even an agreed date for the first committee meeting .
7 Our customers are many and varied , ranging from domestic pets to farm animals and even an occasional exotic animal — like the lion that was brought from a travelling circus with a cut foot , and caused consternation amongst our more regular clients ; they were not prepared for such a large cat sitting in the back of a Land Rover in our car park .
8 By common consent , it is the prettiest of Scotland 's west coast villages and , although small , is well endowed with a large modern school serving a wide area , a railway station and even an airfield .
9 Floriade also has a lot more to offer than the splendid horticultural displays ; there will be varying music festivals including a jazz festival , fashion shows and even an amphitheatre where an assortment of shows will be staged by countries form around the world .
10 At one time pouchitis was thought to be a serious complication of pouch construction and even an argument against resorative proctocolectomy .
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