Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In addition as the firm with the largest numbers of middle market clients we have excellent contacts at the board level with most corporations in the UK .
2 However , Nicks , — Bradshaw , Kinsbourne and Feigin ( 1978 ) found that concurrent verbalisation increased response times for both hands on a typing task but more so for the right hand .
3 We have applied to many sources of possible grant support for these costs , such as the Lingua Project , the DAAD and industry .
4 The average hourly motility index for all periods is shown in Tavle II .
5 There may be communication difficulties or misunderstanding , on either or both parts , in which case improvements in these areas need to be sought .
6 The case notes from all patients were reviewed and a follow up questionnaire was sent after a mean period of four years to those 72 still alive , of which 56 replied .
7 In 260 pregnancies ( 3.7% of the total ) the two hour glucose value on testing was >6.9 mmol/l , and clinical details of the mother and baby were obtained from the case notes in these cases .
8 Churchill commented that the " British people would not easily be influenced by what happened in the distant jungles of South-East Asia ; but they did know that there was a powerful American base in East Anglia and that war with China , who would invoke the Sino-Russian Pact , might mean an assault by hydrogen bombs on these islands " .
9 It is a fact that the written essay — usually of 400 to 500 words long — has dominated the English language and literature curriculum for many years because it has been seen as the main vehicle for the transmission of knowledge in written examinations .
10 The Secretary of State may also prohibit any march in any area , or impose a blanket ban on all marches or a particular category of marches , for a period of 12 months .
11 Negotiations between NATO and the Warsaw Pact could , following further agreements to reduce conventional forces , lead to the introduction of non-offensive defence strategies by both sides .
12 institutions and perhaps particularly U.D.E. 's will need to consider the most appropriate teaching strategies for these students , particularly during their first year of study .
13 In the 1962 election he stood against McAteer , making it clear that he was just as committed a nationalist but criticising the MP for the narrowness of his appeal and calling on him to send his election literature to all voters , not just to Catholics .
14 Every strand of political opinion in Ireland , North and South , with the exception of the Provisional IRA , accepts that any change in the present set-up will require majority support in both parts of the island .
15 The two other big diversified computer companies are Unisys Corp at $8,400m or so , and NCR Corp at $7,100m — only the same size as Apple Computer Inc , a pure personal computer play with few designs on the data centre — and if AT&T Co is really serious about making it big in the computer industry , it will soon have to start thinking of buying NCR a present — and Unisys begins to look tempting now that James Unruh has finally got the company onto an even keel and Unisys ' own mainframe millstones under control .
16 There are also a number of expatriate support groups in both cities .
17 THERE HAS BEEN A CONSENSUS among European drug researchers for many years over the value of needle exchanges , but US politicians ignored their recommendations .
18 They had both lost their fathers in the same year , Preston 's having fallen victim to leukaemia , William 's to the charms of Another Woman , and this had left William 's grandad as the only adult male presence in both households .
19 Typical Eden Park pitches over many years were low and slow , and that led to a lot of drawn Tests .
20 To administer the new arrangement , the Cambridge Board established its own ad hoc rural areas committee in February 1930 in conjunction with other developments in Cambridgeshire and which reflected the Board 's interest and developing policy for course provision under both Chapters II and III .
21 The ERA should be viewed as an entitlement curriculum for all pupils with a widening of curriculum opportunities for pupils with SENs .
22 The 1988 Act offers an entitlement curriculum for all children encompassing nine areas of learning and experience — surely a step in the right direction .
23 The evidence shows that , when adjusting output during a downturn in the economy , many firms that have taken advantage of regional assistance contract operations at those plants placed in areas that previously had high unemployment choose to close these plants .
24 But an attempt by the science-related ministries and agencies and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) to create a new budget category for these items and to crack the rigid ceiling on outlays for science has been defeated by the Ministry of Finance .
25 The CSO will work across all Departments within the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and will be responsible for initiating , organising , providing and monitoring user support for all aspects of computing work .
26 The CSO will work across all Departments within the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and will be responsible for initiating , organising , providing and monitoring user support for all aspects of computing work .
27 This was followed , in August , by the blanket banning of all marches and the sudden implementation of an ‘ intermentpolicy ’ ( McGuffin , 1973 ) .
28 I have argued consistently that the level of computer provision for all groups working here is below acceptable levels , and Computing Sub-Group and the new Planning Unit for Information and Central Services will continue to address these issues in the years to come .
29 We sought to measure attitudes in several ways .
30 Today Mudge 's views read like a classic case study of most elements of nineteenth-century racism .
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