Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm you can have a look look through if you want .
2 yeah , as a possibility but given th give that you you 've gone for it in this direction y'know kind of if you 're happy I 'm happy sort of thing .
3 All in all it was an excellent performance by North Down in the field , limiting the North West side to after they had won an important toss .
4 To decorate a dish of smoked salmon , so beautiful in itself , with lettuce leaves , or to strew it with tufts of cress , is not to make that salmon which has cost 38s. a pound look as if it cost £3 , but to belittle it so that you begin to feel it is some bargain basement left-over which needs to be disguised .
5 They will also dance to an electric light bulb as if it were the sun .
6 Erm it was the way they sort of checked all the way round the car park as if they were looking to see which would be the best .
7 His dark hair was thinning on top , but he had bushy side whiskers as if it had all slipped downwards , and his chin was a dimpled mound seeming to support an ever-smiling mouth .
8 So I made out a roster , and there were over a hundred carriage cleaners at and I made out a roster for them .
9 The revised tenancies and those they replaced differ from the regulated tenancies under the 1977 Rent Act in that there is a weakening of security of tenure and other rights , and most rents will be set at market level .
10 Suspiciously spot-on '92 , Cell sound as if they were test-tube hatched to fill the vacuum should Kurt Cobain pop his clogs .
11 At some theatres , the Minstrels are asking the audience to vote at the half-time interval on whether they want the makeup added .
12 She prowled among the desks and glowered at the action boards as if they were a bunch of football hooligans .
13 Charlie assumed that he must fall with every pace he took , as he watched the lieutenant treat the German wire as just another hurdle , before running on towards the enemy trenches as if they were the finishing line in some race being held at his public school .
14 Although Belfast has a much smaller and less socially and ethnically heterogeneous population than Philadelphia , the community studies resembled Labov 's neighbourhood studies in that they were designed to give broad coverage of major geographical , status and ethnic divisions in the city .
15 It 's like a little neck rest for when you 're sitting
16 ‘ Same difference , ’ the Doctor said casually , and slipped into the command chair as if he had been the ship 's pilot for years .
17 Unhappy with that , but incapable of protesting , Meredith helped the boatman to stow away her cheap carrier bags as if they were precious .
18 ‘ I object to the way you 've dressed like someone from the pages of a Dickensian workhouse and turned up with your belongings in carrier bags as if you 're on your way to the laundromat . ’
19 In order to be a Christian and to continue the Great Battle against the Evil One , I can not return to the life and times of the New Testament church as if there had been no history in between .
20 Although some horses will travel in horse trailers as if it is second nature to them , even without having any previous related experience ; and some horses will stand perfectly and quietly for the farrier when they are being shod for the first time ; many will not !
21 Encourage the visitors to ask questions , if they are newcomers to the neighbourhood conversation about whether they have settled in and met the neighbours and general chat about shops , buses , doctors and dentists again show that you are human and interested in them as people .
22 Yet every leading member of the Government and the Opposition talks as if we were merely bankers .
23 Some press and television people — even some of those who support him — talk of his apparent decency in this election campaign as if it were a vice .
24 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
25 Species with club-shaped spines include active hunters ( although they tend to hunt sluggish animals like other sea urchins ) and they have powerful jaws on the lower side of the animal that can munch their way through a sand dollar as if it were a biscuit .
26 and by he and his wife were headmaster in the village village of and their master , headmaster used to give Wallace two lessons and they had it in different houses , you know
27 Their ideal of endogamy , which treats the marriage exchange as if it were non-existent , is an example of such a mechanism for achieving peace .
28 He said : ‘ The Tories have slashed the value of their houses — but still expect them to pay the council tax as if nothing has happened .
29 Dismissing the taxpayer 's appeal , Mr Justice Vinelott said that the overriding purpose of para 24(5) , Sch 5 , FA 1975 was to ensure that the participators in a close company , which was entitled to an interest in possession , were to be treated for the purposes of capital transfer tax as if they had been entitled to interests in possession according to their rights and interests in the company .
30 Meanwhile , the choir 's busy preparing for the carol service as if nothing had happened .
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