Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [noun] tell them " in BNC.

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1 Beattie 's sister Rose and husband ( Clive Swift ) wait for director Richard Phillips to tell them what they 're doing 6,000 miles away from home .
2 ‘ To point your right foot to the side , transfer your weight to the left , ’ their teacher Brenda Garratt-Glassman tells them .
3 The sheer weight of goodwill fax messages told them of this fact .
4 I wrote to the Health Education Authority telling them that I did n't think their advertisements would affect lifestyles much , if at all .
5 At a meeting in January at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond , Washington with Sun vice-presidents Eric Schmidt and Carl Ledbetter , Microsoft executive Paul Apritz told them that they faced a business decision .
6 At a meeting in January at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond , Washington with Sun vice presidents Eric Schmidt and Carl Ledbetter , Microsoft executive Paul Maritz told them they face a business decision .
7 Their hand-held satellite navigation systems told them their exact position to within 15 metres .
8 Civilian breakdown organisations more used to recovering cars from the nearby A66 broke out in a sweat when businessman David Gresty told them where his truck had been ditched .
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