Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adj] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 The program TFPART ( SERC , Daresbury , UK ) was used to correctly position these five translation function solutions relative to each other ( yielding subsequent peak heights increasing from 22.3 to 50.0 ) .
2 To develop a programme of study skills appropriate to each pupil and geared to fit the changing study needs throughout their school career .
3 Followed by a brief discussion of how to make all our small pieces of action research available to each other .
4 Like the friction consonants one of each pair is strong and the other is weak .
5 Consult diagram 4 and * transfer stitch 1 of each group to needle 4 , in front of stitches 2 , 3 and 4 which should then be replaced on needles 1 , 2 and 3 ( easier than it sounds ) .
6 He then determined the cyanogenesis category of the clover plant nearest to each grid intersection .
7 Through the work of the teacher placement organisers available in each authority together with a national support service , there exists a combination of a devolved , flexible and supportive structure focused on a strategic national framework of aims and objectives .
8 It is based on the assumption that commercial confidence in inter-state transactions will only flourish when the framework of company law and business regulation applicable in each member state is the same .
9 The main advantage of the network model is , though , in representing text readings relative to each other , and in providing a schematic tool for linking structural textual features with procedural reading processes .
10 Apart from being aware of the level of markedness of a given structure in the source and target languages , a translator should also learn to make use of the thematization devices available in each language .
11 Every man wore , strapped across his stomach , a formidable curved dagger known as a jile , with a sixteen-inch blade sharp on each side .
12 One question which arises is why , with 256 code values available in each byte , has this control process limited itself to the 128 7-bit codes ?
13 According to the well-established theory of Huxley and Hanson , contraction of the fibril is due to the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments relative to each other *Hanson , 1956 ; Pringle , 1966 ; Osborne , 1967 ) ; the actin filaments move further into the A-disk while the myosin filaments thus approach the Z-disks .
14 In 1909 the Local Government Board carried out its responsibilities under the Children Act by making boarding-out committees obligatory in each Poor Law Union .
15 Discussions on all these issues are currently taking place with a small Reference Group of eight residential and nursing home care providers four from each of the private and voluntary sectors .
16 There is background information specific to each problem , and plenty of good advice on how to deal with the day-today- difficulties that arise from it .
17 When I knit a stocking stitch tension square , instead of marking the 21st stitch on each side of centre 0 on the 30th row , I transfer these stitches at the beginning of the swatch , placing them on to needle number 22 on each side and pushing the empty 21st needles to non-working position .
18 As the nursing profession waits to hear how it will do in the next pay round , there are fears that job evaluation could be used to take significant numbers of nurses out of current pay and grading structures , creating new pay set-ups unique to each different trust or unit .
19 The removal of selection at 11 gave primary school teachers the opportunity to relate their work to the needs of all the children and to make the school day meaningful for each individual in their care .
20 By identifying , developing , and communicating the competitor information relevant to each , and then moulding those disparate information resources into a coherent , relevant intelligence picture of key corporate and business unit competitors , a far more comprehensive , forward-looking , and dynamic view of the changing competitor situation emerges .
21 Outdoors , cordon and bush varieties are dealt with similarly except that you wo n't need to damp-down , mist or tap the blooms , Additionally , sink a perforated ice cream container rim-level next to each plant .
22 If so , how much and were all the flap sections consistent with each other ?
23 The observed profiles were cross-correlated with a standard pulse profile appropriate for each radio frequency to obtain accurate pulse arrival times .
24 The street procession prior to each performance , with real Indians , Mexican bandits and cattle rustlers , enthralled an English public ; it brought escapism to their grey walls and drab lifestyles .
25 This spot rate can be decomposed into the interest rates relevant for each period : rs 1 , the spot rate over the period of the operation of the futures contract , and 1rf 2 , the forward or futures interest rate over the period for which the deposit exists .
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