Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [adv] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 The threat has not only been partially thwarted by vehicle checkpoints but by close surveillance .
2 It had only been recently acknowledged by official bodies that psychology could offer some understanding of young people 's problems .
3 The implication is that he has not only been deeply disgusted by the political and social oppression in capitalist and colonial France , but has also been fatally attracted to the entirely new set of social relations apparently emerging in the post-revolutionary situation in the Soviet Union .
4 Lorimer had apparently been so affected by what he 'd seen and heard in Lina 's room , he could barely speak .
5 Etosha has long been well regarded by her trainer and her belated debut in the John Holdrish Maiden Fillies Stakes was explained by a long-held aversion to starting stalls .
6 In the result I have not been persuaded that any doubt has been cast upon principles which are soundly directed as being both desirable and reasonable and which furthermore have for long been firmly established by authority .
7 I am sure they had all been carefully checked by Heathcliff before they were posted .
8 I had this dreadful feeling that my journey to London and my meeting with this Frenchman had all been carefully managed by Cardinal Wolsey and his blackguard , Doctor Agrippa .
9 We have all been too influenced by medieval demonology and Milton .
10 His wheat and hay had all been so damaged by the rain that it was worthless .
11 We had all been deeply saddened by the news of Beryl 's tragic death in May she had endured her illness with great fortitude and courage — her loss will be felt throughout the Society .
12 Indigenous working-class cultures of racism have thus been internally fragmented by strong sexual and generational divisions , as well as being externally mirrored in the forms of resistance mobilized by immigrant communities against them .
13 THE Budget provided mixed blessings for homeowners , but it has generally been well received by lenders and housebuilders .
14 THE training programme and team-style working has generally been well received by CFP employees .
15 Hunter sees his job as leading the Association along a road that has already been clearly charted by the President 's Conference two years ago and by the strategy review seminar last year .
16 ‘ If you insist , but that ground has already been adequately covered by your delightful sergeant .
17 What an awful pity they recommended a medicine which had already been emphatically rejected by the patient .
18 She had died in giving birth to Selene , having already been nearly ruined by the birth of Dinah .
19 At the beginning of the Triassic the dominant land animals were the mammal-like reptiles , the synapsids , although they had already been badly affected by dramatic events at the end of the Permian ; catastrophic events of the kind that are now known to have turned the course of Earth 's history several times .
20 Not only does such an arrangement disrupt the child 's schooling — although arguably it has already been badly disrupted by the child 's absenteeism — but it can often also be a traumatic experience for the child , entrenching the resentment and disaffection which were among the major causes of the child 's truancy in the first place .
21 An Albanian had already been seriously wounded by a Greek military patrol on March 12 in Kalpaqi near Ioaninna .
22 Having already been severely admonished by his father , the young man despaired of finding any sympathy or understanding from his immediate family , always , however , with the exception of his mother .
23 The Department of Education has already been severely criticised by both the Audit Office and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee over the overall system which is more than £4,5m over the original estimated budget .
24 The Irish Government says the 10-year-old scandal has already been fully investigated by the Garda and , unless new evidence is produced , it is now a matter for the Gibraltar authorities .
25 However , the counsellor will have to work with older people whose lives have already been deeply affected by the problems of ageing , and this will require all the skills and insight of looking into individual feelings and attitudes already outlined in Part 1 .
26 Michael Forsyth , the Scottish Office minister whose portfolio includes two of the most hotly debated issues of the election campaign — health and education — had just been formally adopted by his constituency association to contest the Stirling seat .
27 Officially neutral during the war , Jordan had nevertheless been heavily criticized by the West and by some Arab states for its pro-Iraqi stance .
28 You know when I talk to friends they tell me that despite all my big race wins I have still been virtually ignored by the public who seem unaware most of the time that I am around .
29 As one would expect , the composition of precious metal artefacts has always been heavily influenced by economic factors and it became common practice to modify their value by alloying them with baser metals .
30 Out will go the flowery descriptions of aspects , views and outlook which have always been so derided by disappointed property viewers .
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