Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh adv] we [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But that is only how we perceive it , how it registers itself to our physical senses , and not how it really is .
2 No we had a reasonably good dinner and , and we did n't want no tea when we come home , this could have been some of it cos all I had then when we did about seven o'clock when we decided we 'd have a bowl of soup , erm , we stuffed ourselves , we had toast and breakfast erm , we had one or two sweets in the hospital , er while we were waiting and then er , we went to Asda and then we got er
3 ‘ I knew very quickly that to get the kitchen exactly how we wanted it , we 'd have to swap rooms around on the ground floor .
4 Well , I suppose the simple , the short answer is , we do n't know exactly how we do it .
5 I mean , we were exactly where we said we were gon na be , but suddenly I did n't realise that he was boss .
6 Yeah , he 's there from Barnsley up Birmingham it says that were a hundred miles away where we got 'em to drop the money off
7 ‘ We can go back to Rose Cottage , always supposing Pook s Common is still where we left it , and I 'll make coffee , ’ she offered , aware that she should contribute to the peace that had broken out between them .
8 It will make sure that everyone not only tells our customers what we do for them but also why we do it .
9 It was a feast fit for a king , and afterwards when we left we felt well fortified to tackle the hill back up to camp .
10 I know he did n't even get it afterwards when we told him .
11 And then in the afternoon we 'd er We used to get ready and we used to go anywhere where we like you know , as long ann er back for tea .
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