Example sentences of "[adv] [n mass] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1988 , only 23% of women aged 75 and over were married .
2 Despite this , only 50% of cancers in this group were actually detected by faecal occult blood testing , the remainder arose as symptomatic cancers in the period between screenings .
3 Wyatt et al calculated that a single anterior biopsy detected only 63% of patients with gastric metaplasia proved by multipoe biopsy .
4 Overall only 4% claimed that their jobs required less skill , and only 4% of women in lower-grade white-collar jobs claimed to have been deskilled .
5 In the high grade group , 48% had raised erythrocyte sedimentation rates , 28% serum lactate dehydrogenase values over 500 U/l , 24% raised alkaline phosphatase activities , 24% low total protein concentrations , and 16% anaemia ; only 4% of patients in this group had all determinations within normal ranges .
6 A random sample of herds might indicate that 40% of them are grazing on marginal land ; but if animals were the unit of study we might find only 20% of animals to be on marginal grazing , i.e. the 40% of herds are the smaller ones accounting for only 20% of the cattle .
7 The star of the Volkswagen adverts , who earns £1,000 a day , has paid only £21.50 of fees over a court case , says the company .
8 Figures 4–6 , above , show that whereas only 5% of items from the Main Building were placed on reserve , this figure rose to 23% in the case of material from the Advocates ' Library , and 45% in the case of books outhoused in the Annexe .
9 The main staple foods are millet , sorghum , and groundnuts , and the diet is deficient in carotenoids and vitamin A. Red palm oil , a major source of carotenoids in coastal West Africa , was found in only 2% of compounds during baseline surveys .
10 Westergaard and Resler estimated that in 1970 only 7% of adults over the age of 25 owned shares .
11 In 1988 50% of all people aged over 75 lived alone , however , only 29% of men aged 75+ were living alone , compared to 61% of women ( General Household Survey 1988 ) .
12 Although together they made up only 8% of referrals in the year before the guidelines the reduction in barium investigation and excretion urography contributed 25% of the savings achieved in the second year .
13 OPCS data record only 35% of deaths from liver disease in Wales as being alcohol related , yet in our district hospital sample 67% proved to be related to alcohol .
14 It was agreed that the IDB and LEDU do n't do enough — only 40% on average of the jobs announced have ever come on stream ; only 11% of jobs with American firms actually materialise .
15 However 68% of the House of Clergy surveyed said they would vote in favour , and only 66% of members in the House of Laity were for .
16 Such complications occur in approximately 50% of patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus .
17 Stone recurrence after bile acid therapy occurs in approximately 50% of patients within five years of treatment and then reaches a plateau of 61% by the 11th year .
18 Some degree of tachycardia was experienced by all patients during the procedure and approximately 23% of patients in each group showed appreciable tachycardia during the procedure .
19 Approximately 90% of deaths from lung cancer and bronchitis are caused by smoking .
20 The ACFA mailing list represents approximately 68% of patients with cystic fibrosis over the age of 16 in the United Kingdom , and over 80% of those aged 25 or more .
21 Choledocolithiasis is a relatively frequent problem arising in approximately 15% of patients with stones in the gall bladder .
22 That is , for approximately 85% of words for which alternatives were available , the correct word was selected by the analyser .
23 Already 60% of dentists in Oxfordshire are in private practise .
24 Overall , just under 50% of pupils in these schools are boys , just over 50% girls ( ISIS , 1990 ) .
25 This , as well as characterising the symptomatology , showed that the condition accounted for nearly 5% of referrals to a gastroenterology clinic .
26 Repeated daily injections of the somatostatin analogue , octreotide ( SMS201–995 , Sandostatin ) are an effective treatment for acromegaly , but lead to gall stone formation in about 50% of cases during long term treatment .
27 A single waking interictal electroencephalogram will show epileptiform activity in about 50% of patients with epilepsy .
28 In summary , this studh shows that in about 50% of patients with H pylori negative DU their disease can be explained by NSAID use , underlying Zollinger-Ellison syndrome , or Crohn 's disease .
29 I would estimate that my enjoyment of a day is spoilt on about 25% of occasions by various comments and objections that are made .
30 About 10% of searches of Okapi contain at least one dubious spelling .
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