Example sentences of "[adv] [no cls] i [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So er I I thought to myself well I du n no , I du n no all these Newton girls have been off to Sri Lanka or or , or Zaire or wherever and you 'd you know , is n't that great ?
2 So er I I have no problem with that .
3 Well cer I I mean I if you can
4 Okay well er I I figure that there must be quite a number of er extraterrestrials around around North Yorkshire and I thought it would be quite nice actually if er if there are any extraterrestrials listening at the moment they could ring in and we could have a chat .
5 Well Er I I hear what you say , I my views on Europe are very simple .
6 Well er I I said to young er what 's his name ?
7 Oh I 'm just sitting here having had a long , well erm I I 've just had a , a chat with Gillian who erm rang me up and we were on the phone for about half an hour I suppose , she 's some lucky girl !
8 Right well erm I I believe er that we should make every effort to preserve marriages erm and thinking especially of the suffering that 's involved fm for children .
9 It 's supposed to do but I think once his treatment has finished we w then w I we need to get an independent assessment
10 Well my husband and I were married in nineteen forty four , you see , and er as you see I go every year and it 's nineteen eighty six , so therefore erm I you see I , I do n't really want people to know my age
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