Example sentences of "[adv] [be] done [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Measurement of the metabolic correlates of psychological processes can only be done with a limited degree of spatial resolution at the moment ( Raichle 1983 ) .
2 The initial study of cancer cell behaviour can only be done with a living animal in order to define those ‘ test tube ’ characteristics which correlate with uncontrolled growth and spread of tumour cells within the whole body .
3 This can only be done through a committee and then the information will be sent to all members of the committee .
4 The lookup functions ( any , or all ) can only be performed in a processing procedure and the run procedure can only be done in a command procedure .
5 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
6 This being the case , if the production of constant capital is to increase — an absolute necessity for accumulation to occur — then this can only be done by a transfer to Dept .
7 Of course , full justice to a steamed pudding can only be done by a true trencherman .
8 The effect of this is to make clear that registration as an RFL does not entitle the RFL to undertake work which may only be done by a solicitor , and also that an RFL must not put solicitors or recognised bodies in breach of rules , or other requirements of conduct .
9 This might best be done by a judicious selection of quotations which teachers would be guided to study in detail .
10 This can easily be done with a pictorial key .
11 Adaptations can usually be done to a property to suit it to your needs .
12 Lifting even a small object wrongly can do damage , too ; lifting should always be done with a straight back , bending at the knees and using thigh muscles .
13 This can also be done on a medium grit oilstone .
14 Shaping like this can also be done on a plain ‘ V ’ neck cardigan by working the cable next to the front edge on the straight and leaving the pattern as it is during the shaping , working the decreases on the inner edge of the cable pattern where it will not show .
15 Unlike many jobs , housework can often be done in a very short space of time without actually failing to be done at all .
16 Investigation may well be done by a sub-committee but the deciding authority must then be apprised of that material .
17 Much of the software debugging can initially be done on a computer .
18 Nevertheless , the training is sometimes unavoidably accompanied by the infliction of punishment in some form or other , but as is very well-known , this should never be done as a result of a fit of anger .
19 Even in the nuclear family , women told me that certain jobs should never be done by a man , they were not Izzat wali kam ( i.e. jobs of honour ) or they were not manly , and predictably these tasks included almost all household chores .
20 It was made clear to us that Operation ‘ Brisket ’ for the road haulage dispute , ‘ Bittern ’ for the rapidly growing ambulance drivers ' dispute , and ‘ Nimrod ’ in the case of the water workers ' action , were all long on detailed planning , but short on how much could actually be done in a major dispute .
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